Chapter Three

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Camila got off her knee, upon the Queens command, and stood beside her at the throne. Camila's family had dedicated their lives to the Royal Family, died just outside those walls trying to get help. If only they got there sooner. Though Camila doesn't hold a grudge against the royals for not opening the gates sooner, she understood that it was her family's decision to charge head first into the brute of battle.

Now here she stands beside the woman who honoured their memory by saving Rulan. Camila briefly looked down at the Queen, internally swearing to protect her with her own life.

"Lauren! It has truly been some time!" A overly cheerful voice sung as the doors swung open. Camila felt her blood boil at his blatant disregard for the Queen. She was sure Lauren felt just the same way. Behind the Prince, was two of his guards. One was Captain Denver, and the other was the one she had knocked out. "I'm sure you know how to truly address your superiors Roman?" Lauren sassed and Roman seemed to pause in disbelief, like it was the most groundbreaking question he'd ever been asked. "That I do, though I see us as more friends than you being my superior." Roman looked like he was trying to weasel his way into Lauren's good graces, though Camila could visibly see that the tactic wasn't working.

"I'm sure you have a reason for just turning up in Rulan, without my approval may I add. It makes me think you have no respect." Roman coughed awkwardly and looked back at Denver, who hadn't taken his eyes off Camila since he stepped foot inside. "Your hand in marriage. Believe it or not I've been admiring from afar whilst you rule over your kingdom." Lauren scoffed and looked briefly at the Huntress, who looked ready to impale Roman with her spear. "It won't be that easy Roman. My country comes before anything." Camila surely did admire her Queen. She put everything before her own needs, she makes their issues her issues and that is something a true leader does.

"I'll do anything to prove my love for you." Christopher looked at his sister with a hint of curiosity, he hadn't been fully let in on her plans and whilst it bothered him slightly, he really wanted to see how this played out. "Anything? Anything to prove your worth to not only myself, but to my country?" Camila hid her smile, Lauren was slowly trapping Roman and it was so pleasurable to watch. "You name it my love, and the deed is done." Roman now stood toe to toe with The Iridescent Queen, hands on her waist and he was slowly leaning in, just as Camila went to draw her spear, Lauren put a single finger on his lips, pausing his advances.

"Actions speak louder than words."

Roman watched with agitation as the Queen walked away to stand beside Camila, with a wicked grin on her face of course. "This is my champion. You will face her in a series of physical challenges. You wish to prove yourself to me, beat Camila. Then and only then will I take your hand in marriage." Roman looked furious, his hands shook in anger. He couldn't believe that he was being told to compete with a girl. "My lord, this is the girl I spoke of." Denver's deep voice echoed through the silence and soon Camila found all the attention on her.

"You're the girl who mercilessly attacked my Vanguard the woods? Pinning one on a tree with a sword, giving the other a concussion? Coming out with nothing, not even a scratch?" Romans statement dripped with venom, looking at the Huntress with disgust on his features. "Yeah, that's me. Though, I was provoked" Camila responded casually, which angered the Prince beyond control. "Lauren you can't possibly expect me to go up against this brute?!" Katniss clenched her fists, finding herself fed up with the spoilt boy. "Yes, I do." Lauren's voice was firm and final. Leaving no room for argument. "Lance, if you would please show these men to their rooms." Lauren commanded and he did just that. "Please, leave me with Camila." Soon enough the room was vacant, leaving nobody but the pair.

"I'm sorry if his words offended you." Lauren looked sideways at her new friend and Camila just chuckled lightly. "Your apology isn't needed, I've been told much worse, your majesty." That got Lauren thinking, just how much had this Raven been hurt? "If you don't mind your majesty, I need to call Caster, he's probably worried about me." Lauren simply nodded and watched as Camila walked to the window and opened it wide, looking out for a moment at the garden before holding out her forearm horizontally. Then, letting out the loudest whistle she could muster, the pair waited in silence. "Caster is your familiar, yes?" Lauren asked curiously and Camila smiled lightly. "Yes, I've had him since birth." Then on queue a black bird came soaring in from the window and landed skilfully on his masters arm. "Caster, meet the Queen Of Rulan. Your majesty, this is Caster." Camila introduced as she approached the other woman who stood by, staring at the bird with a kind smile. "You're one beautiful bird Caster. How does he do around other animals?" Lauren asked as she looked back at her now resting wolves. "He's perfectly fine with others your majesty, except my roommates sisters familiar Raul." Camila informed as Lauren wandered back to her throne to awaken her companions. "The White Wolf is Iris, the youngest. The darker on is Rye, the much calmer one." Camila squatted and let the beasts sniff her and Lauren sat on her throne, watching the beautiful woman with beautiful creatures.

"If you don't mind me prying, I understand you are the last of your name?" Camila slightly tensed at the sudden question but relaxed as Iris knocked her feet out from under her, so now she was sat down. "Regrettably so." Camila's voice was low, but held no negative emotion, just a sadness. "How did it happen?" Lauren asked, watching as her wolves laid their heads on the Huntresses lap, Caster settling between the two wolves comfortably. "When America invaded, they hit the south first. So, my parents and sister took it upon themselves to charged here to get help, not only was it a stupid plan because nobody knew where the main gate was, but it was also where Rulanians were fighting with the Americans." Lauren listened intently, remembering the day vividly from her point of view. "I stayed at home, my father said that if all went wrong he wanted a strong heir to carry on the Cabello name. Next thing I knew, I had a soldier knocking at my door informing me that they are shot down by a Swaylander, who was allied with America." Camila smiled though, she didn't want the pain to be brought back after all this time.

"My father and mother died too. It wasn't released publicly, but a couple Americans did get inside the walls. They shot down my parents in this very room. My first command was to chase America out. I was so overtaken by grief that I shut myself away from my people, made the walls denser and refused to leave. Wallowing in self pity. Though it's past now, I've learnt to accept it." Camila understood her pain, in fact she sympathised with Lauren, mainly because she had to lead a country seconds after he parents downfall. "You're strong, your majesty. I know that you can find peace with your past like I have." Camila smiled genuinely at the Queen, getting one in return.

"Please, call me Lauren." Camila laughed at the other woman's insistence. "Only when it's just the two of us present." Camila bargained, looking at the impossibly eternal woman. "I guess that's fair."

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