Chapter Nine

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it gets steamy...😏

"Have you ever wanted something more than what you have?" Lauren asked as she sat on her balcony with a cup of coffee in hand. The sun was setting, the sky was an array of colours and so was her mind. "Everyone wants something more, though, I am content with what I have." Camila replies as she leaned her head back on the sofa the pair were currently sharing. After Romans departure, Lauren felt light but it also brought on some deep concealed doubts she had thought were long forgotten about. The Queen thought who else was better to confide in than her little Huntress.

"I thought I was happy with my life. I could have everything I could possibly dream of in the click of my finger. I mean, isn't that what every young child prays for when they look up at the moon?" Lauren's voice seemed...weakened. Which wasn't something Camila ever wanted her to feel. "I should think so." Camila replied as she turned fully to face her troubled friend...whatever they were. "So why do I feel the way I do? I'm tired of seeing the same sights everyday, don't get me wrong, I love my country. Though, I can't help but envy the people who can just get all their stuff and travel to the unknown corners of the globe." Camila did feel sorry for the woman, she can't just leave Rulan. Well, not for a long period of time.

"If their was something I could say to ease your mind, believe me Lauren, I would. Though, the most you can do is adapt. I'd start with getting rid of those dreaded walls as soon as you can." Camila suggested and Lauren looked over at her, briefly examining her lips. "Why the wall? It's the one thing that keeps me safe?" Lauren questions and Camila takes the latters hand into her own, squeezing in comfort. "It's something that is physically caging you. Plus, isn't Rulan about building bridges not walls?" Lauren shuffled over and cupped Camila's jaw, internally grateful for whatever force brought her to the Huntress.

"I've craved your touch ever since the first you know?" Lauren whispered, changing the subject. Camila smiles as she nuzzles the Queens hand lightly. "Glad to see I'm not the only one of us going completely an utterly insane." Camila mumbled. Lauren climbed onto the lap of the woman, looking down at her lovingly. "If insanity means I could taste your lips whenever I wanted, then I'll happily become the Mad Queen." Lauren quickly slammed her lips into Camila's, letting her fingers thread through the brunette locks. Camila greedily accepted the affection and wrapped her arms around the Queen's back, holding her close as their tongues raged wars inside their conjoined mouths.

Neither of the woman could identify the feeling of this kiss, only that it was very much animalistic lust.

Lauren slightly bucked her hips into Camila, which made the Huntress groan and lean her head back in pure bliss. The Queen instantly started leaving hungry kisses on her champions throat, not allowing a single piece of skin to be left untouched. Camila slowly moved her hands down Lauren's back, letting one hand rest upon her voluminous left cheek, whilst the other settled on her hip. "I've never wanted someone more than I want you right now." Camila whispered to Lauren as her lips detached from her neck. Both of their pupils were dilated in desire, they both were vibrating with sexual energy.

Lauren smile brightly as she wrapped her nightgown clad body tighter around the woman below. "Show just how much you want me Camila." Lauren begged and Camila growled lowly before standing up with the Queen in her grasp. Guiding them both into the bedroom.

Softly, Camila lowered Lauren onto the bed, hovering over her body, inspecting every inch of the covered skin. Dipping her head, Camila connected their lips in a kiss which made their heads spin. Lauren's hands were scratching down her shoulders again, making the Huntress groan into the kiss, which gave Lauren the perfect opportunity to slide her tongue between the latter lips. Slowly, Camila began rocking her hips into Lauren's covered centre, effectively making her feel her erection. Lauren spread her legs wider to accommodate Camila better, whilst sliding her hands upward, going under her sweatshirt to feel her bare back.

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