Chapter Eight

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Trigger Warning- Homophobia and toxic masculinity (Roman's that is)

Camila drank slowly from her cup, trying to suppress the smile fighting its way onto her face. She did it, she kissed Lauren. The Huntress couldn't shake the scene from her thoughts, the inexplicable taste of her tongue, the way her hands scratched down her back, then how she finally looked at her. Lauren had looked at Camila as though she was the only one for her.

"Your highness, my father is coming to visit again." Lance informed as Lauren bit into a slice of toast, whilst she was subtly staring at the Cuban beside her. "Who is he bringing with him this time?" Lauren asked without holding back the spite in her tone. "Her name is Juliana Sanders. Came all the way from Glasgow." Lances response was practically monotone. Camila couldn't help but be curious about Lance's background, he seemed well raised but she had never seen his family around the Manor at all. "Well, as always, the minute you feel discomforted by his presence, I'll have him escort out." Lance thanked the Queen before going back to reading his newspaper. 

Ever since Camila had sat down, two people hadn't taken their eyes off her. Lauren, for obvious reasons but Roman too. Camila assumed it was because she had beaten him in the first trial, and his precious masculinity had been hurt.  Though, for some reason the stare had irked her in all the wrong ways. Camila is a trained Huntress, when she feels threatened she is automatically going to go on the defense. "Excuse my rudeness everyone but I have to address it. Roman, you have been staring at me since my bottom hit this chair, do we have an issue?" The Huntress questioned as she looked directly toward the Prince. Roman snarled in disgust before leaning back in his chair and crossing his legs. "I did some research on you, my findings have me rather...disturbed." That wasn't the answer Camila had been expecting at all. She expected a off hand insult but instead his response was sly and calculated. 

"And what did you find so disturbing about Camila?" Lauren challenged and Camila felt her stomach churn, she knew the conversation was going to make a turn for the worst. "That she was born with a penis, your majesty. This...whatever...isn't a woman or a man. She's intersex." Camila felt her blood boil. The Huntress clenched her fists in pure rage. "That wasn't your business to spill." Camila tried to play calm but her tone was restrained and filled with venom. "I think Lauren deserves to know when a dirty homo sits in her very home. If we were in Swayland, you would be punished highly." Roman sneered and Lauren shot out her seat and slammed her hands on the table in front of him. 

"Three things. First, I do not care if Camila has a penis or not. Second, she's more of a human than you could possibly imagine. Third, get out of my home. I don't wish to put up with your childish behavior and I certainly won't sit idly by as you insult Camila in the way you have." Lauren's voice held no hesitation. Everyone in the room was silent as Roman slowly moved out of his seat. "That's fine with me. I didn't even want to marry a dyke like you anyway." Dinah gasped in shock and Camila simply snapped.

Without any warning, Camila flung out of her chair and swung Roman over her head and threw him onto the table and pinned him down with her arms. He flung his legs around aimlessly but he simply couldn't break free. "Don't you ever talk bad about Lauren in my presence. You're very lucky I don't slice this pretty throat of yours. We don't want to stain the floors do we?" Camila looked hysterical. She had a grin on her face as she stared down at the terrified Prince. His guards didn't know what to do and Lauren remained seated. Unaffected by the scene. "Camila," The Huntress turned her head toward the Queen, meeting a warm glare. "Please show The Humble Prince the front gates if you will." Camila smiled at her with a excited expression. "With pleasure."

Short one but Roman's gone and the trials are off. I just had to get rid of this prick, i was beginning to hate him even though he's a character I'm writing.

The next couple of chapters will be more camren. I've decided to give this book an Epilogue since its near its end.

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