Chapter Two

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Camila calmed her laboured breath. Laying low to the ground and eyeing her prey without blinking. Very slowly she raised to her feet, the creature turned toward her, watching her in interest, waiting for her next move. Camila slowly pulled out her Bowie knife from its holster and without a moments hesitation, threw the blade with such strength, you heard it slice through the air. Her prey stood frozen, the dropped. Landing with a soft thump as a blade protruded from its neck.  Camila jumped down from her perch, writing a note down for Mendes on a scrap piece of paper. "Caster, go take this to Shawn. I think he'll be impressed with my hunt." Camila places the note in his little pocket which was like a satchel around his small body. Without another order, Caster took flight.

Slowly extracting her blade from the animals throat, she wiped the blood of with the grass, then put it back in its place. Camila looked through the dense trees, watching out for any other animals who were coming for her hunt. It was almost invisible, but she could see it. The palace walls.

Camila had always wondered what lay beyond those walls, wondered how the royal family were and if they were well. Camila sometimes caught herself wondering what the Queen was like. Minus the stories, but to know the woman personally. Her family had been loyal to the throne for centuries, now being the last, that still hasn't changed. Camila will always be loyal to Rulan, her parents and sister had died for their loyalties after all.

"You there!" Camila looked to her right to see a man dressed in red armour. Those weren't the Rulanian colours. "What are you doing in these woods?" He asked once he got closer. "I should be asking you that. As you aren't from around here, are you friend?" Camila shot back with a calm voice, watching the guards movements closely. "I'm Captain Denver, leader of Swaylands Royal Vanguard. I'm here to escort the Humble Prince inside these walls and you, are a potential threat to my lords safety!" The guard shouted and Camila felt a slight smile rise onto her lips. A laugh escaped her mouth, the Swaylander stood; he was confused.

"Well, I can assure you Swaylander, I'm no threat to your stuck-up Prince. Though, I wouldn't mind being the threat you assume me to be." Camila shoots back, before she can take another step, four more Swayland guards entered the clearing, in attack postures. Camila sighed and cracked her knuckles. "So, who's first?" Camila looked at the five carefully, awaiting an offensive response. Suddenly, one of them charged forward and swung his sword horizontally, attempt to slice her stomach. Camila instantly jumped, the blade missing her by an inch, before she came back to ground. As her hands touched the ground, she propelled herself toward the guard with her upper body strength and kicked him flat on his back. Landing on top of him and punching him hard in the head, knocking him out cleanly.

Before Camila could recover, a sword came toward her head, this time she grabbed the blade, wincing slightly as her skin opened in a rather deep wound. She pulled the blade harshly, and when the guard was in range, she head butted him. As he fell back, she took the unconscious guards sword and drove it through the injured guards arm. Right where armour didn't cover and effectively pinned him to a tree. Camila turned away from the man as he screamed in agony. "Enough!" A unknown voice screamed through the clearing. Camila looked toward the palace walls to see a blonde haired man, in a dark purple suit facing the group. Behind him was two brunettes, one held a bow in her hands whilst the other held two katana swords.

"Your Vanguard is here out of the kindness of Rulans heart! Do not make that kindness turn malevolent! Go back to your Prince and take your wounded with you!" He commanded and with a slight hesitation, the Swaylanders complied. Soon enough, Camila was alone with the three strangers. "You are very talented with violence." The one holding the bow complemented and the Huntress nodded her head in thanks. "Self taught." Camila responded as she looked back at her hunt to see it being dragged off into the depths of the woods by coyotes. She cursed under her breath as Caster landed back on her shoulder, she ruffled her Ravens feathers before taking out another scrap of paper. "Caster, I need you to take this back to Shawn, sadly our deer was hijacked." Caster squawked lightly as he once again took flight.

"Prince Christopher requests your presence Huntress." The blonde haired man called out. Camila looked over her shoulder to see the trio looking at her with slight disbelief. "And what would Rulans Prince want with a lowly commoner like myself?" The one holding the swords laughed wholeheartedly, making the other two jump. "It's not the Prince that truly needs you. It's our Iridescent Queen."

"He's here Lauren." Taylor warned as she looked out the window, seeing the Red Escalade pull up outside the steps of the Manor. Lauren sighed as left to be seated in the throne room, she didn't want to greet such scum into her own home personally. Iris and Rye sat either side of her throne, growling lightly at the scent of Swaylanders. "Your majesty, we found her." Lance announced as he entered the throne room, alongside Hayley and Katniss. "Where is she?" Lauren asks with slight urgency, needing to see the Raven girl. "Just outside, shall I call her in?" The Queen nods her head, looking toward the door as Katniss opens the double doors.

Then there she stood. Camila Cabello. The last of her name. Lauren found her breath caught in her throat as he Huntress made eye contact, she seemed just as shocked as Lauren was. Camila was certainly a very beautiful woman and with all the weaponry she carried, especially that large spear, Lauren found herself even more intrigued by the Huntress.

The woman before her was clad in all black, her curves were accentuated by the jeans she wore, her shoulders were rather broad but not too much to be passed as masculine. Her hair was messy but not ragged, it came down her forehead in curtains but it didn't shield her face from the Queen. Her eyes were brown but doe. Her jawline looked carved by the gods themselves, her chin was very slightly tilted to the right but it wasn't visible unless you truly looked.

Lauren watched as she got down on one knee and bowed. Nobody had bowed for her in a long time, mainly because she didn't allow her staff to. Though, such a powerful woman bowing for her, made her quite pleased. "You requested my presence, your majesty." Her voice was like a sweet melody, made just for Laurens ears. "That I did, as much as I would love to explain the situation, we are short of time." Camila looked up, but remained on her knees. "Then if you will, summarise for me, your majesty?" It wasn't firm, it wasn't urgent. The request was loose and polite. Camila truly was a respectable subject. "I need you to be my champion. Roman Zeeks, The Swayland Prince has come to claim me as his wife, and to most likely take my country. So, I need you be on demand for certain...activities." Camila listened intently, and calmly. Showing no other emotion but pure respect. "If you don't mind me asking, why me your majesty. You have two very skilled fighters right here." Her question was reasonable, Lauren liked that she wasn't intimidated to challenge her decisions, it made her just that much more perfect for the job.

"Because Camila, you don't let people higher on the food chain boss you around, you don't let authority dictate you. And Roman will certainly try to make you feel small." Lauren explained, not meaning to offend her guards, but they knew she was right. They would be to afraid to make enemies with a Swayland Prince.

"Then, I make it my duty to show him that I won't back down easily, your majesty."

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