Chapter Seven

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Lauren once again, laid unsettled in her bed. This time, it wasn't her thoughts preventing her from a nights rest, or the adrenaline from her champions win. Lauren had a nightmare. A truly unnerving terror. She lay among her sheets, sweaty and breathing heavily with silent tears streaming down her face. It was a dream of the manor up in flames, Roman was holding her against a wall, refusing to release her as she listened to her siblings scream for help, her servants pounding on the front doors to be freed but she could not move, she could see Camila trying to break the glass on one of the windows, but it wouldn't fall through. She only awoke when Roman chuckled in her ear and blamed her for the event.

The Queen has no clue why, but even a petrifying conjure of something of simple imagination rattled her more than anything has in a long while.

A soft knock jerked her from her thoughts. Lauren quickly wiped her eyes before asking who it was. "Camila, your majesty." Replied the visitor and the Iridescent Queen visibly unwound. "You can enter Camila." Lauren responded after a brief moment. Quickly, the door opened and in slipped the Huntress who was clad in nothing more than some sweatpants, a sweatshirt and some ankle socks. "I'm sorry to intrude but I heard your whimpers from below. Did you have a bad dream, Lauren?" Lauren smiled tenderly, at her concern and that she finally used her real name as she had been badgering he to do. "Yes, I did. I'm sorry if I disturbed your sleep." Lauren spoke with repentance. "I wasn't asleep. I was reading, you didn't disturb much." Camila sat on the edge of her bed, watching the Queen with such care, Lauren felt like she was the most important woman in the world.

"What were you reading?" Lauren asked curiously, trying to change the topic of conversation. "I see you don't wish to speak of your dream. In that case, I was reading the sun and her flowers. A personal favourite." Lauren hummed in appreciation. The Queen patted the spot next to her lightly, signalling for Camila to sit beside her. Which she did without hesitance. "What's your favourite line?" Lauren asked and Camila leaned her head back on the cushioned headboard and closed her eyes, seeming in deep thought. Then, she reopened her eyes and trained them on the woman beside her. "What is stronger than the human heart which shatters over and over and still lives." Camila recited with a infectious grin.

 "Why that one?"

"Because of its truth. No matter how many times a human will get their heart broken by some useless lover, it still beats, still carries blood and oxygen to use even though we wish it wouldn't. It keeps us going when we want to stop. In a way, its like our mothers, calming us down, telling us it will all be fine if we keep breathing." Camila explained with eloquence. Lauren turned her body fully to face her champion, taking in her thoughtful expression. "Did you have one?" Lauren inquired, Camila tilted her head in question, slightly confused by the query.

"One what?"

"A useless lover?"

"Yes, though the experience taught me what a proper lover was meant to be."

Lauren shuffled over slightly, her knees brushing the side of Camila's thighs. Camila took a sharp inhale as the Queen got closer, her desires wanting to be made reality. "I don't know what love feels like. Not the type of romantic love at least." Lauren confessed and Camila looked taken aback. "Would you like me to explain Lauren? Explain what that sensation is?" The girl in question simply nodded. "By definition, love is a feeling of deep affection, passion or strong liking for a person or thing. I can assure you, it is so much more than that. Its waking up every morning, with their name the first thought on your brain. Its walking around everyday, needing to see them. When you finally see them you want nothing more than to lock yourself away with them and to never leave. Its a trust as well. Its giving someone a loaded gun and telling them to hold it to your heart, begging for them to not pull the trigger. You live everyday with that weakness which is the scariest and most ethereal feeling. Its probably the strongest bond humans could have to each other." Camila explained in a low whisper, looking down at the Queen, her emerald eyes shining in the moonlight radiating from the window.

"Is there anyone who you feel like that towards?" Lauren asked in a low mumble, which was almost inaudible. Camila reached up and brushed a stray bit of hair out Laurens face, caressing her cheek tenderly, examining her face with intense care to not miss a single detail. "Somewhat." Camila's voice was so delicate, it was almost like silk leaving her lips. "Lauren, I confess I want to do something very irresponsible." Lauren shuffled closer to the Huntress, draping her arms on her mid-section. "And what would that be?" Camila licked her lips slowly, taking her bottom between her teeth. "I want to kiss you." The pairs noses brushed, both not moving any closer. "Is that so Camila?" Lauren uttered, looking down at he opposites lips briefly. "Very much so." Camila response was almost desperate. Lauren chuckled lightly before rubbing her hands along Camila's ribcage. "Then do what you desires request of you."

Camila didn't need anymore consent. She leaned down and ghosted her lips over her Queens. After a fleeting moment, she connected their lips in a soft kiss, Camila had never felt anything more pleasing in her lifetime. Their lips moulded perfectly together, almost like the perfect puzzle pieces. Slowly, Lauren opened her mouth to deepen the kiss slightly, poking her tongue out as a test. Camila's hands moved down to her jaw, cupping it in one hand as the other made home on Laurens hips. Passionately, their tongues slide against each other, making both simultaneously moan and groan into each others mouths. Camila leaned over the Queen in dominance, letting her tongue indulge in the woman below expertly. Lauren dragged her nails lightly down Camila's back as the kiss was coming to a end, both struggling to breathe. Camila pulled away, leaving small kisses after they broke free. Lauren looked up at Camila with a smile on her swollen lips.

"I think I understand your earlier explanations now."

Your welcome. Hopefully this makes up for my slow ass updates in the future.

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