Chapter Six

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The people had loved Camila. It wasn't an assumption either, it was pure fact. The moment that Lauren announced her undeniable trust toward the woman, they all instantly accepted her. As the pair stepped down from the podium, the masses cheered, some even scream their blessings to Camila. Camila hadn't felt love like that in a long time, not since she last held her last lover. Though, their love wasn't real, it was toxic and unhealthy. In a way, Camila was thankful that Emily had left, it taught her some lessons. Especially lessons about what a relationship should be.

"Tell me Roman, how are you with a spear?" Lauren asked as they sat in the throne room. They being Dinah, Lance, Katniss, Hayley, Roman, Captain Denver, Lauren and Camila. "You know of my talents with any hand held weapon." Roman sassed cockily, that had slightly agitated Camila. Camila hates how Roman always tries to find a way to undermine Lauren's authority, or to criticize anyone. Camila had wondered several times how he got the nickname The Humble Prince. "Well, that's the first trial. Spear throwing. In a few hours you will throw once, and only once. The person to get the better distance, wins." Lance explains, chipping in before the Queen likely explodes on the Swayland Prince. "And this girl can throw?" Roman sneered, once again undermining Camila's abilities as a Huntress. "I could impale you into that wall if you would like a demonstration?" Dinah stifled a laugh at Camila's rhetorical question. It was obvious how angry Roman was from his reddened face. "I can assure you, she can throw." A new voice sassed as they entered the room, Camila turned to look over her shoulder and saw Shawn and Ally being escorted by Rulanian guards.

"I thought that your friends would like front row to the trials." Lauren announced and if she could Camila would hug her so damn tight, but that would be improper. "Thank you, your majesty." Lauren simply waved off her thanks before Shawn took Camila into his arms, squeezing. "Next time you send Caster to me, you should include the fact that you are staying resident inside Morgado Manor." Shawn mumbled and Camila wheezed slightly. "S-Sure, but uh, cant b-breathe..." Camila hissed out and Shawn quickly released, muttering a sorry. "Come with me." Katniss called out to the trio and they followed obediently , of course Camila didn't leave without bowing first.

Camila followed Katniss down the halls of the manor in silence, briefly taking in the beauty of Lauren's home. Marble floor, Greek style pillars and beautiful crème walls that somehow fit in perfectly. There wasn't many photo's of the family, but their was a beautiful art piece in every corridor. Camila wondered if having family photos up was painful for Lauren since she did tragically lose them too. Camila sure did get rid of some things reluctantly.

"Where are we going?" Shawn asked the bow women, Katniss briefly looked over her shoulder before pointing out toward the courtyard. It was just as immaculate as the house. So many colours coated the edge of the wide space, red, purple, blue and yellow all in their separate beds. In the very centre of the courtyard was a huge fountain, which looked hand carved. Before Camila could admire the garden any longer she was tackled to the ground by two flashes of grey and white. "Rye, you should know better. Iris, I expect nothing less." Camila teasingly addressed the wolves, giving them all the love and affection they desired. "Where's Caster?" Ally asked and I merely whistled, watching as my raven swooped down from the top of the manor. "Here, he likes to sit on the roof." I explain as Rye brushes up against Caster in a friendly manner. Iris however was still tucked into my neck. "Bunch of babies." I mutter to the familiars and Katniss chuckled breathily.

"I thought that you'd might like to practice your throwing in peace. Her majesty suggested for you to prepare in her personal courtyard. She only requested that you try not to destroy the flowers, especially the roses." Katniss explained and Camila was amazed. "Her majesty trusts me in such a personal place?" Camila questions and Katniss merely nods. "Your spear is being brung by Hayley as we speak, now if you two will follow me, I'll take you to Normani and Harry." Camila tilted her head in confusion, she'd never met those two before. "Don't fret Camila, Normani and Harry are the Manors personal designers. Normani does the makeup and Harry dresses." The huntress nodded her head in response before walking to sit on the bank of the fountain.

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