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I took my seat in the back of the class, since I was your typical outcast.
I watched everyone pile in, talking to each other about different things.
I picked up on their conversations easily, I was more of a listener than a talker.
"Did you do the homework?"
"Shit, there was homework?"
"Yeah, we've had all week to do this essay."
"Fuck. I guess it doesn't matter."
I didn't think like that. I was always too worried to think like that. I wasn't a 'nerd' or a 'goody-two-shoes', I just couldn't stand the thought of fucking up.
The only problem was, I fucked up way too much.
I couldn't focus in class no matter how hard I tried.
There was always too much going on in my head.
Suddenly a kid I hadn't seen before walked in. He had a black hair and bright blue eyes. He wore a white jacket and a pair of jeans.
Mrs. Rosenberg, the teacher, directed him to the seat in front of me.
He seemed so happy, like he didn't have a care in the world. I wanted to be like that, I wanted to let go and be carefree.
But I couldn't.
I couldn't let myself, I cared too much.
I really wanted to express myself, but I worried what people would think. So, instead, I just doodled my fantasies.
"Hello! My names Phil, what's yours?" The boy asked me. He was enthusiastic, and he caught my interests.
"Um, I'm Dan." I said quietly. I was really exited he was talking to me. I hoped in didn't do anything to make him realize what a fuck-up I was.
"That's a cool name, I like it! I also like your hoodie." He said, smiling.
He really thought that? I was a little confused at first. I was just wearing a dark blue hoodie with and anchor on the chest.
"R-really?" I stuttered out. Shit. Now he knew I had a stutter. That's why I hated talking. Except, he didn't seem phased by it.
"Really! I think you look great!" He exclaimed.
I blushed a bit. I never got compliments, and I wasn't sure how to act.
"Um... Th-thank you, Phil." I said and looked down.
"Alright, be quiet. Class is starting!" Mrs. Rosenberg said, shutting everyone in the classroom up.
Lunch rolled around and I sat at an empty table.
Phil plopped his tray down next to mine, saying "I hope you don't mind. I don't really know anyone here."
I nodded and made room for him, moving my sketchbook out of the way.
"Um, thanks. For t-talking to me." I said, picking at my food without really eating it.
"Oh, um, you're welcome. Do you not have many friends?" He asked slowly.
I shook my head as I took a sip of water.
Sudddenly he wrapped his arms around my torso, giving me a tight hug. I hesitated, before putting my arms around his neck.
I sniffed and felt a tear run down my face. Then another, and another.
Soon I was softly crying into his shirt as he rubbed my back.
"What's wrong?" He whispered after a while.
"I'm just glad you're h-here." I whispered back.
Maybe it was weird to hug a stranger and cry into their shoulder, but he didn't feel like a stranger. He felt like someone I was safe with. I trusted him a lot.
I had never felt that about someone before, but I enjoyed this new emotion. I hoped he didn't think I was weird or insane for doing that, but he didn't act like he did.
I was really thankful for Phil. I was glad he showed up that day. I had been really depressed for a week, and it was nice to let it all out.
I wished we could stay like that forever, in each other's warm embrace. But everything has to come to an end, so the bell rang loudly throughout the school.
I looked up at him and said a small "Thank you." Before dumping my tray and walking to my next class.

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