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I sat in class, anxiously bouncing my leg.
I was scribbling random swirls all over my notes, impatiently waiting for the bell to ring.
I wanted to tell Phil how I felt at lunch, as it was the only time we could talk.
Mrs. Rosenberg droned on for what felt like hours, even though it was only 45 minutes.
The bell rang suddenly, but of course Mrs. Rosenberg had to say "The bell doesn't dismiss you. I do."
Phil sat down beside me, smiling. That damn smile is gonna kill me, I though.
"Uhm, Ph-Phil? Can I t-tell you something?"
"Oh, yeah, sure!"
"I know th-that we only met a f-few days ago b-but... I th-think I like y-you. I just had t-to tell you, s-sorry."
He paused for a moment, blushing.
"Dan, I... I think I like you too."
I had planned for rejection, not this. I didn't have a plan for him to feel the same.
So, I hugged him. It was a tight hug, maybe a little too tight, but it was all I could do in the moment. He hugged me back.
It was kind of sweet, confessing our love in a tight embrace, it felt really nice.
I wasn't worrying about irrelevant things, I was just thinking about Phil.
I know, it sounds so cliche, what a stereotypical love story, but sometimes it's ok to be a cliche stereotype.
I sat on the couch, sketching a picture of me and Phil.
I couldn't really think of anything else, that was kind of a problem.
"What'cha drawing?"
Shit, it was my mom.
See, I hadn't really come out to my mom, and she had no idea me and Phil were a thing.
"M-me and a f-friend." I was lucky, it was just a picture of me resting my head on his shoulder, and it was drawn lightly.
She looked at it for a moment before shrugging and walking away.
I decided I should probably only draw in my room.
I really hoped she didn't suspect anything.

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