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He spat insults at me and he pushed me against a wall.
"Weird bitch"
When I started to cry he said "You fuckin' crybaby." And punched me in the stomach.
I sobbed loudly as I fell to the ground. I was shaking and begging for him to leave me alone.
After kicking my legs a few times, he spat on me and walked away.
"Dan?! Dan, what happened?" I heard Phil's voice.
I looked up to see Phil kneeling down to my level.
"What happened Dan?" He asked softly.
I explained the situation quietly and slowly, so he could understand.
He nodded when I finished, saying "Let's go to the nurse."
He helped me up and helped me walk there.
Phil drove me home afterward, and we talked the whole way.
We listened to Panic! At The Disco songs (like Mona Lisa, King Of The Clouds, and Death Of A Batchelor) and sang along to the lyrics loudly.
"Ph-Phil..?" I said suddenly.
"Thank you... Y-you've really helped me these p-past two days."
"Oh, um, you're welcome."
He grabbed my hand and held it as I blushed and smiled.
He held it the rest of the way to my house.
I hugged him tight, for about 10 seconds, before pulling away.
"Bye." I whispered, a little sad.
"Bye, Dan."
I layed in my bed and looked up at the ceiling.
I remembered the way I felt as Phil held my hand; amazing. I wished we could do that more.
After thinking for a while I realized something.
I knew we had just recently met, he probably thought I was weird, and he probably didn't feel the same way, I knew what I felt was real.
It was strong. Every time I saw Phil I felt like a weight had been lifted off my chest.
When we hugged I felt like I was in some sort of heaven.
All this led up to me realizing that I, Daniel Howell, was in love with Phil Lester.
Admitting it to myself made me feel strange. It was like a mixture of happiness and anxiety. Not really the best feeling, but I couldn't really change it.
But how the fuck would I tell Phil? It's been two day for fucks sake!
I started tearing up. There's no way he would love me.
But he held my hand and let me cry into his shirt.
Needless to say, I was really confused.
I don't need to worry about this, I told myself, I can just tell him how I feel.
It might sound stupid, telling someone you just met you love them, but I wasn't the smartest kid in the world.

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