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My phone vibrated next to me. It was a text from Phil.

Phil: Hey! How's it going?
Dan: i'm pretty good. you?
Phil: I'm good. It's kinda lonely without you.
Dan: awe, so cute. but ur right im clingy i wanna see yooouuu
Phil: Lol. Meet me at the park, we can be clingy together.
Dan: alright! What time?
Phil: 2:00?
Dan: okay, i'll be there.

I sat my phone down, smiling.
Wait a second...
Was this a date?
I blushed a bit, realizing.
I walked over to my closet to see if I had anything to wear. I picked out a navy blue sweater and some black skinny jeans.
I looked in the mirror and fixed my hair, as it was crazy since I hadn't done anything with it.
I texted my mom, who was at work, that I would be leaving. She wouldn't care, but I didn't want to risk worrying her.
I put of some black Vans with roses on the sides and sat on the couch to wait for Phil.
My phone buzzed, letting me know I had a text.

Phil: On my way!
Dan: alright!

After a few minutes of waiting I heard a car pull up and Phil knocked on my door.
He opened my car door for me, saying that I looked nice.
I blushed as I buckled my seatbelt and he started the car.
I smiled the whole way to the park, telling Phil about what happened with my mom the other day.
He laughed as I finished the story. Fuck, his laugh was so cute.
We pulled up to the park after about 10 minutes of driving and talking.
We got out and he grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers.
We sat down on a bench and I cuddled closer to him.
He wrapped an arm around me as I leaned my head on his shoulder.
He smiled.
"You're right, you are clingy." He said.
I lightly smacked him, both of us laughing like little kids that just heard a fart joke.
I felt so happy and careless with Phil. I had never felt that way before meeting him.
Damn, he's making me feel actual feelings.
Yeah, I had gotten used to making memes about being lonely and feeling numb.
Now I wanted to make wholesome memes about love and happiness.
This adorable little bitch was going to make me rebrand my whole instagram meme account.
Holy fuck.
But I wasn't mad, I couldn't be mad at someone like him.
"I'm so g-glad you're h-here." I said.
"And I'm glad you're here." He said, placing a soft kiss on the top of my head.
My cheeks turned a deep red, causing Phil to giggle.
"S-shut up." I said, and he laughed more.
Phil stuck his tongue out a bit as he laughed, and it was fucking adorable.
I rested my head back onto his shoulder, yawning, as I hadn't gotten much sleep the night before.
He put his arm around me gently, yet lovingly.
We stayed that that for a while, maybe 10 minutes, and I loved every second of it.
Maybe he was the right person for me, and maybe I was right for him.
Sure, we might've been moving quick, but it didn't feel wrong.
I was definitely coming to terms with the fact that I love him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2019 ⏰

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