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I walked into the parking lot towards my car, then I saw Phil standing against a wall.
"Do you, um, n-need a ride?" I asked, walking over to him.
"Um, yeah. Thanks." He said walking towards me.
I opened his door for him, making him blush a bit.
"So, where's your place?" I asked, starting the car.
He directed me to a little, white apartment building.
"Thanks dan. See you tomorrow?"
"Yeah. B-bye Phil."
I felt a little sad as he walked away, I enjoyed being with him a lot. I just had to remember I would see him, tomorrow- and every other school day.
So I drove back to my house, thinking back on the day I just experienced.
"Hey, um, Ph-Phil," I said, catching up to him. "Could I get y-your number?" I asked as he turned around to look at me.
"Sure, here." He said, typing a series of numbers into my phone.
"Th-Thanks." I smiled, walking to my locker.
Now I would have contact with him when we weren't together. I was excited, to say the least.
I grabbed my math books and walked to my first class.
I wasn't really listening to Mrs. Rosenbergs lecture, instead I drew a picture of Phil.
Maybe it was weird to draw a picture of someone you didn't know well, but I felt so good around him. He made me feel happy. I didn't worry about useless things when he was there.
I decided I should put a lot of detail into the picture, since I didn't think of him as a total dick.
The bell rang as I was just finishing my picture.
"Oh, that's really good Dan!" Phil said, making me jump a bit.
"Th-Thanks Phil. Um... It's y-you." I said, a deep blush covering my cheeks.
"Oh, um, cool!" He said, his cheeks turning light pink.
"L-Lets go to lunch now." I said quickly, packing up my things.
He nodded and got his things as well. We walked to lunch side-by-side, talking about random things that popped into out minds.
We sat at an empty table as I laughed at a joke he told.
"Phil?" I asked suddenly. I had something I really had to ask him.
"How are y-you always so p-positive?" I was, admittedly, a little jealous of how he was so happy.
"I get anxious or upset sometimes, we all do, but I've taught myself to see the bright side of things. I realized that other people's opinions shouldn't matter to me. It's really helped me." He explained softly, realizing why I asked.
He put his arm around me and rubbed circles into my arm.
"I-I wanna try being p-positive." I said.
"You don't have to be constantly positive, different feelings are important, but I want you to be happy. You deserve it." He said.
I nodded and leaned my head against his shoulder.
He played with my hair as he finished eating his lunch.
"I hope we can hang out more, Dan. You're really cool." He whispered.
"Me too. You're really sweet." I replied quietly.
We stayed like that, my head on his shoulder, in silence for the rest of lunch.
I dreaded having to be away from Phil, but I was too afraid of the consequences that came with skipping class.
I wasn't the 'bad boy' type. Not one bit. I hated boys like that. They were all fuckboys.
They used the girls that thought they were hot for a bit, then moved on to the next.
Sadly, one of them thought it would be fun to mess with me right then.

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