Chapter 1 grammer corrected

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Harry Potter was always a shy boy after years of neglect and abuse under the tender care of his oh so loving relatives. He learned not to trust, not the teachers who saw the bruises and did nothing, not the neighbors who watched as he did "chores" out in the summer sun all day long. Then he went to Hogwarts, he met people who said they cared but they never took him away from the Dursley's. Then when McGonagall didn't believe him when the stone was in danger, then the whole school turned their backs on him because he could speak another language in his second year, he was only 12 and new to this world how was he suppose to know. Then when his apparent godfather was trying to "kill" him, yet no one told him anything and now as a forth year he's expected to compete with 7th years who know more and are more powerful then him. Then they school turned its back on him again. Now here he is studying his textbooks trying to find a way to survive this tournament.
"Psst! Potter...Potter!" A voice whispered somewhere behind him. Glancing over his shoulder he noticed a girl from Beauxbatons trying to get his attention.
"Yes, do you need something?" He asked quietly.
"I've been sent to get you Fleur wants to talk to you," She said.
"Why? Why does she want to talk to me I'm nothing special," he replied as he looked down.
"Look I don't really know why she wants to talk to you, but she does and as the reigning queen of the school I need to follow her requests. So please come with me she not far away." She pleaded with the boy.
He sighed "Fine, let's go." Packing up his bag he followed the French witch further into the library. Something made him want to turn around but he fought against it and kept walking. Finally they reached a table and chairs where the French champion sat with several others around her.
"So I heard you wanted to speak with me? I asked
"Yes, Lord Potter I did. I want to know why you haven't contacted me about our betrothal?" She said getting upset.
"Hold on a minute, why are you calling me lord and what's a betrothal?" I'm so confused what the bloody hell is going on?
Some of the girls giggled while others were just as confused as I was and Fleur she was getting mad.
"Do you take me for a fool? You have been Lord Potter for 4 years now and haven't contacted me once about our marriage agreement!" She spat at me.
"Ok I'm so confused your telling me that I'm this Lord Potter and we are suppose to get married?" I asked
"Yes, you were suppose to contact my family as soon as you became Lord Potter, your guardian should have taken you when you turned 11!" She seemed to getting even more frustrated as she spoke.
"Well you see, that's where the problem is then. For one I'm not Lord Potter, second my guardians are muggles who couldn't care less if I lived or died." The people surrounding him gasped.
Fleur froze. "You were raised by muggles?" She whispered I just simply nodded.
"Did I say something wrong?" I asked.
A guy to my left spoke," It has been illegal to put a magical child not directly born to muggles in their care. It's been one of the only laws that all of the magical societies follow. This law has been around for over 200 years. The fact that you've been put with them, it's a miracle your still alive. Whoever put you there broke several laws and the punishment would see the perpetrator stripped of his or her magic. If you know who did it we need to contact the authorities immediately"
I growled," Dumbledore, that bastard!" My magic flared around me. Some of the people fell to the ground at the dense magical energy surrounding me.
Does anyone like this? Any comments to improve the writing style? I'm new at this.

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