Chapter 4

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"I trust you all can handle things from here?" Harry asked Amelia Bones
Reaching down and ripping off the fake eye Harry let the Aurors bind the body.
"I think you will also find that he was the one to enter me into the tournament he also knows the location of Pettigrew and the new form of Voldemort." There was many flinches."Dobby take me to my room please." The elf took Harry's hand and popped him away. The Aurors looked on in silence at the disappearance of the young man and elf before snapping out of it and made their way out of the castle. After having Dobby return the fake eye to the real Moody who had been taken to the Hospital Wing, Harry went into a peaceful sleep the long day behind him.
The next day Harry awoke to the sun shining, looking at his clock he realized it was lunch time, making his way to the great hall he noticed different looks coming his way. Longing, envy, anger, hatred and lust. The last one confused him but he sat next to one of his only friends Hermione Granger.
"Hey Harry, where have you been? You missed morning classes! I asked Neville to wake you but he said you weren't in your room. So where were you?" She asked all in one breath Harry chuckled.
"The champions have their own rooms now McGonagall told me last night, so I moved in then to get away from the whispers and glares." Hermione looked around even in the hustle and bustle of lunch people were glaring and whispering while pointing at him.
"I see what you mean. It is quite annoying isn't it." Harry nodded soon lunch was over and classes started up. Harry sat next to Hermione the rest of the day actually paying attention in class. Harry made a decision Binns has got to go. He would talk to McGonagall about getting a new teacher before they got rid of the ghost.
After classes was over all of Gryffindor met in their common room where McGonagall stood in front of them.
"Hello everyone since we are all here I'm here to inform you that there will be a new rule that affects every student. It's a very simple rule that everyone will follow or there will be severe consequences. From now on three terms will now be banned from Hogwarts anyone caught saying these terms in a derogatory manner will get a strike. Meaning if the word is used to insult someone for those of you who don't understand. The first word is Mudblood I have no doubt that not one of my lions will ever use this word but it is on the list" people cheered. " Yes, yes quiet now I'm not done. The second term is Blood-traitor. I know it's not a very hurtful phrase but it coincides with the last term, the term Deatheater. The term deatheater is being banned for one simple reason that reason is no one in the school is a deatheater, while some have parents who were ex deatheaters those other students are not their parents and putting a term on them so young is basically setting them down a path that they might not have gone down." A first year raised their hand.
"Yes miss stiles.
"What do you mean professor? A path they might not have gone down."
"I mean Miss Stiles is that when calling another person something for so long it can affect how they see themselves. Let's say someone has been calling another person ugly for a long time. Well that person gets so used to being called ugly it gets stuck in their head. It makes the person self conscious and they lose confidence in their looks and then when someone tells the person who was called ugly that they are beautiful, they don't believe them. The person was called ugly for so long they have a hard time seeing themselves as anything except ugly. Does that make sense?"
The girl nodded," so basically your telling us that if all we see in someone is the bad and call them bad names that's all they will see themselves as and they will have a hard time finding the good in themselves.?" Harry smiles looking at The girl.
"That's exactly right. This is a school and you are all here to lean and make friends,not pick fights. Reach out to the other houses. The Ravenclaws are smart they might help you look at a situation from a different perspective, Hufflepuffs are loyal to a fault, Gryffindors are brave and always have your back but Slytherins they've always gotten the short end of the stick it's uncommon knowledge that Slytherins make some of the best friends while you might fight and bicker Slytherins are always there they know what to do and how to get around things honestly I swear there's a few people every year who should have gone to Slytherin but end up in this house you Weasley twins are two who fit the original ideals of the Slytherin house."
"It was an option but the."
"Hat said we were to reckless"
To go anywhere..
But Gryffindor" they said alternating
"The hat told me I would be great in Slytherin but I chose Gryffindor." Harry spoke up. The room went silent Hermione grabbed his hand.
People stared at him.
"Well does everyone understand the new rules?" McGonagall asked
"Yes Professor" they all responded.
Everyone started leaving to do their own thing.
"So Hermione do you want to go study in my room it has a small library." Her eyes lit up.
"Of course lets go, I need to know where to look to find you anyways." On the way back to Harry's Room Fleur stopped him.
"Hello Harry do you have a minute?" She asked him. He looked towards Hermione she just smiled.
"Go ahead Harry I will wait down the hall to give you too some privacy." She said walking away.
Once she got a little further Fleur spoke," now that you are Lord Potter what are you going to do about our betrothal." Harry rubbed the back of his neck and sighed.
"The thing is Fleur is I have more then one contract from several families I've become the head of. I want to get together with the others this weekend including you and discuss what we should do since this involves all of you and will affect your families."
"That does seem like the best option, I will be awaiting your invitation Lord Potter." She said walking away.
"So Harry what was that about?" Hermione asked.
"Umm why don't we talk inside my room so no one overhears." He said guiding her towards the entrance.

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