Chapter 13

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"Harry James Potter how could you do something so needlessly reckless!" Hermione scolded him.
"Umm well you see Dumbledore was kinda let out of the goblin we needed to fortify the wards and I may have used too much power.." he trailed off. He had the decency to at least look ashamed of himself.
"Dumbledore was let out why?!" Susan asked.
"The minister of course, he got wind of him being there because of a prisoner the DMLE has in custody. So they demanded his release. I'm sure it violates a treaty somewhere so I wouldn't expect the goblins to be too nice to anyone but us for awhile." Harry told them.
They looked horrified. "Harry to break a goblin treaty is a very very bad thing. But at the same time since it's the ministry that's done it it means negotiations will be open again." Daphne said. Hermione looked excited.
"What's that look on your face Hermione?" Harry asked her.
"You need to tell the school what's happened Harry everything, I know you wanted secrecy but this needs to get out there so that the minister and Dumbledore will never be trusted again."
They all looked thoughtful. Then Fleur spoke,"I think you should Harry, it would stop unwanted advances on us. I'm already getting asked to the ball and I won't go with anyone that's not my husband." The girls nodded as well.
They had valid points. "Go floo your parents and your aunt, ask Mcgonagal to bring some reporters. We will do it at supper after I talk to the goblins." The girls quickly gave him kisses and went off.
Harry got the all clear before having Dobby apperate him outside of gringotts doors that were sealed shut. Harry walked up to the door and knocked.
"Go away no wizards welcome!" A voice yelled from inside.
"Not even for a goblin friend."
The door opened just enough for a goblin to look out.
"Lord Potter you are of course always welcome. How may we help you?"
"I am aware that the ministry has broken one of the treaties. My wife and betrotheds thought it best if we came out about everything. Then I had a thought that if Dumbledore has done this to me how many others has he kept from inheritances. So I would like to ask you if a contingent of associates could come and test the Hogwarts students starting tonight and over the weekend."
"We would be honored to help the Lord of Hogwarts. We will arrive right before diner." Ragnok said.
"We will be looking forward to it." Harry smirked.
Diner came around that evening. The students were surprised to see Goblins and reporters in the Hall. Soon everyone had eaten and it was time for announcements.
Mcgonagal chimed her glass to get everyone's attention. Slowly but surely they quieted down. Then I stood and took the podium.
"Fellow students of Hogwarts, esteemed guests and beloved teachers. Earlier this year Albus Dumbledore was arrested by goblins on the accusations of fraud and theft." Gasps went around the hall. "Who was it that made these accusations. It was me. After a quick trip to the bank I found our old headmaster sitting with my account manager polyjuiced as me." The Slytherins and other pure bloods were outraged. "After being informed of my lordships and head of house status I came back to Hogwarts where I informed the teachers of what had transpired. After the meeting was over we discovered a traitor in the castle. This man had taken over a teaching position with the use of polyjuice. After calling the DMLE the man was apprehended and taken to the ministry for questioning. What came of this questioning I am unsure of but one thing I do know is that the ministry found out Dumbledore was being held by goblins and demanded his release. In doing this the ministry broke the Goblin treaty of 1712 that states the goblin as an independent nation and basically that the ministry cannot meddle in their affairs. But ordering the release of Dumbledore they have done just that." The reporters quills were flying and taking pictures. "On another note the goblin bank has been shut down until Dumbledore is returned or a new treaty is negotiated. The Goblins have come here at my request to do not only Lineage tests on all of the students but to also check accounts to make sure Dumbledore has not done this to anyone else. Teachers will be sitting in on meeting with anyone under the age of 17 so classes will be canceled until next week"
"What gives you the right to cancel classes Potter!" Malloy yelled out.
"Well Mr Malfoy it's because I own the school and upon my graduation and the mastering of at least three fields of magical study, I would then become Headmaster of Hogwarts. Which brings another thing to mind. My lord ship came with several marriage contracts to Fleur Delacour, Susan Bones, Padma Patil, Daphne Greengrass and Hermione Granger. So I do not regret to inform anyone that they will be off limits as dates to the Yule ball. I've been informed that friends are welcome to dance with them but any unwanted advance shall be dealt with swiftly." The yells of outrage quickly died quickly when Harry let his magic roll off of him in waves. Looking upon him from the table with his cold stare and power making his hair float around him he almost looked like a king. Harry would later learn that his fan club included most if not all the girls in school and even some boys.

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