Chapter 11

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"Hello Harry" Fleur said. She was laying on the couch reading.
"Hello Fleur, did you have a nice day today?" She nodded "Where are the others?"
"They were all here earlier, and we decided it is time to take our relationships to the next level. It's been weeks and we have all gotten to know each other pretty well, do you not agree?" Harry looked at the blond witch nervously but he nodded.
"You see we have been getting, how you say, jealous of Hermione. You get to kiss her and hold her but you don't with the rest of us." Harry turned thoughtful she was right Hermione was publicly his girlfriend but in private they all were and he hadn't wanted to push any of them but now he realized he was neglecting them. Girls he had promised to treat equally and he wasn't keeping that promise. He dropped to his knees in front of her, after grabbing her hands in his he kissed each of them.
"You are right, I promised to treat you all equally and I've been neglecting my duty as your bethrothed ask me for anything and it will be yours." He said while looking into her eyes. He saw a softness there then a spark of mischief.
"Make love to me and complete the betrothal contact. Compete it and become my husband." She said seriously.
Standing up Harry pulled the witch into his arms, kissing her passionately.
"Your wish is mine to grant my lady." Then he swept her up bridal style and carried her into the bedroom. Where they stayed until the next morning.

I know it's short but I felt there wasn't anymore to add to this.

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