Chapter 8

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My dearest daughter Daphne
I have looked into the information you have given me and unfortunately, you are correct. Black never had a trial which we are working on as we speak. Be careful and tell Potter that we will be having a discussion after the first task.
Your loving Father
Gerald Greengrass

Dear Fleur
Good luck in this tournament my daughter. Inform Mr. Potter I wish to talk to him after the first task. Mr. Black is with the healers now recovering.
Love Your father

Dear Susan
We have everything in the works. We are hoping Sirius will be cleared by December. I will be speaking with Mr. Potter next time I see him. Remember the contraceptive charm.
Love Aunty Amelia

Dear Padma
My precious Daughter. I am proud of the young woman you have become. Your uncle and I are working closely with Amelia and Gerald to help fix this issue. Be strong my daughter.
With love
Your father

The day of the first task was amongst them. Just days ago they traveled into the Chamber of Secrets where they found a treasure trove of information. The legend Daphne had told them about had turned out to be true. So Harry had his strategy all figured out. They had the house elves render the basilisk hide and cleaning up the Chamber so it could be used as an evacuation spot in case of trouble
They found several entrances one in each common room which would be convenient.
Harry ate his breakfast kissed Hermione goodbye and went to wait in the champions tent. He was soon joined by Fleur, Krum and Diggory.
"So what do you guys think the task is going to be?" The Hufflepuff started.
Harry was shocked,"you mean you don't know? Cedric, we are facing dragons."
The boy paled considerably,"dragons are they mad we could get killed! Are you sure your up for it Harry?"
"I will be fine it's you I'm worried about." Harry replied amused this seventh year had no clue what was going to happen. Soon the game organizers came in. "Good morning champions, how about we all get started at the sound of the canon you shall enter the area and battle your beast. You will be Judged on the amount of time it takes for you to complete the task and any skills you use. Now ladies first reach into the bag and pull out your dragon."
Fleur pulled out a green dragon with the Number two around its neck. Diggory pulled out a yellow with the number one. Krum got a red one with the number three and Harry pulled out a spiky black and brown dragon with the number four.
"Ahh seems like mister Potter is very unlucky he's got the Hungarian Horntail. The most vicious of the dragons. Now your task will be to grab a golden egg from the nest of the dragon and return to the platform. Good luck everyone!"
Bagman yelled as the canon went off.
Cedric went out of the tent to cheers then screams of fear. Soon Fleur went then Krum and finally it was Harry's turn.
Entering the arena he was met with boos and clapping from others he spotted his girls sitting together they all looked worried except Daphne she looked very confident. Harry stilled his nerves people believed in him. He placed a sonorous charm on himself,"Oh great and mighty dragon, I mean you no harm." The dragon stopped roaring and looked at him."my name is Harry Potter and I am lord of this land, one of your eggs is not real the other humans have placed it there for me to retrieve." The dragon examined the nest "tell me hatchling why did the two legs bring us here?" Her voice was surprisingly soft. " you were brought here as a challenge to test our courage."
"Then shall we do that if you can best me I shall give you the egg. Summon a sword young warrior and we shall fight."
"As you wish noble dragon" she huffed in response."
"Accio sword of Gryffindor." Harry called. The sword came zipping through the air from the castle catching the sword by the hilt Harry spun into a ready position then the dragon swiped at him. Ducking under the tail he made a swipe for her foreleg. Barely missing. The two fought for what seemed like hours. Neither landing a hit. Until the dragon got in a lucky hit to Harry's back. Sending him to the ground. Placing a claw on his chest.Harry dropped his sword yielding to the dragon.
The dragon walked away and grabbed the golden egg and gave it to Harry."go young one to your mates, I can smell their worry from here."
"Thank you mighty one, is there anything I should tell the ones who brought you here."
"Tell then touch my eggs again and I will burn them alive and nothing will stop me."she growled, Harry laughed
"As you wish." And he left the arena.
All Harry heard was silence before he was tackled into a hug by his girls.
"Oh harry we were so worried!"Hermione had tears in her eyes.
"I'm sorry I worried you all but she wanted a fight before she gave me the egg to test my courage." He told them.
"Mr Potter would you please head to the point area to receive your points."
He nodded "wait here I will be right back then we will go to our room." He whispered.
Standing in the area he looked over the judges table. Madam Maxine gave him a 7. McGonagall gave him a 10 Crouch gave him a 7. Bagman gave him a 10 and Kargaroff gave him a 6. For a grand total of 40 points he was in the lead Fleur having 37 and both Krum and Cedric with 34.

I'm having a hard time figuring out how the conversation between Harry and the girls parents is going to go does anyone have any ideas?

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