Chapter 16 (grammer corrected)

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The Yule holidays and the ball were right around the corner everyone was extremely excited for the ball everyone but the first through third years.
Harry was studying in the library once again when a group of first, second and third years of varying houses approached him. They stood there arguing for a minute before they pushed a first year Gryffindor forward.
"Mr. Potter," he looked at the group, "We were wondering if there was anyway that we could attend the ball as well?"
Harry have a gentle smile. "You can call me Harry. Now I don't know about the Yule ball but I can talk to the Headmistress and see if we can't throw something together for you all it might not be as fancy as the Yule ball but I will definitely try." The others were getting excited. "Is there anything else I can help you all with?" They all shook theirs heads.
"No but thank you for at least trying." A third year Ravenclaw thanked him.
Harry quickly penned a note to McGonagall that Dobby delivered.
He had a reply within the hour.
While the idea has merit there is unfortunately no space available to house three years of students. If you are able to find a spot I'm sure we can find some volunteers to chaperone that party.
Headmistress McGonagall
"So all we would need is someplace big enough?" Harry thought out loud.
"Lord Harry Potter sir. Dobby be knowing bout a place that be big enough!" The elf said excitedly.
"Do you really that's great! Where is it?"
"On the seventh floor Lord Harry Potter sir! Dobby will show you where."
"How about after dinner that way the girls and McGonagall can join us." Dobby nodded quickly before popping away.
Later after diner Dobby led his family to the seventh floor to a blank wall.
"Not to be rude but there's nothing here." Fleur spoke up.
"Mistress needs to walk by the wall three times thinking of any kind of room she needs. Room will appear." Dobby spoke.
Fleur tried it. Thinking of a room to have a party in. On her third pass an elegant door appeared.
Upon opening they saw a room 3 times the size of the great hall decorated elegantly in light blues and whites.
"Oh wow, Professor would it be possible to have the Yule ball here instead it's easily big enough?" Hermione asked.
McGonagall looked thoughtful.
"Dobby can all the elves find this room?"
"Yes Headmistress!" She nodded.
"Yes I do believe we should have it here instead. But use the great hall for the first though third years. Now we just need someone to plan the party."
"I think I have the perfect people for the job." Harry had an impish smile on his face. "You ladies could make the most wonderful party for them games, foods, while the Hogwarts house elves are preparing for the Yule ball the Potter elves will be at your full disposal."
The girls looked skeptical.
"We could set up games from both the muggle and wizard worlds. As well as food." Hermione suggested.
"Daphne and I can do decorations." Fleur volunteered.
"I can find some music." Susan.
"Could we get any tailors here to makes the girls dresses? I'm sure the boys don't really care what they wear but the girls for some it's their first ball it's important to be dressed up." Padma spoke up.
None of the five noticed that Dobby, Harry and McGonagall had left the room.
"Well that takes care of that. I will inform the heads of houses about the party and the location change for the balls." Minerva left to inform her coworkers of the changes.
"Dobby what else is the room used for?" Harry asked curiously.
"Storage Lord Harry Potter Sir. Anything that students leave behind is put inside."
"I will come back later to look at that room. Why don't you go tell the elves about the other party I'm sure they will be excited."
Dobby nodded and popped away. Since his bonding to Harry the energetic house elf had calmed down a bit.
Classes were soon over and the girls were thrown full force into their party planning.
All the British wizarding clothes shops refused to come to the castle to outfit the students. So Fleur called in a favor of some friends in France who portkeyed to the gates the day testing was finished.
It took four days to outfit seventy girls. And the few boys who wanted to look nice. They had it buffet style, so everyone could go up and pick a little of everything if they wanted. Different cuisines from around the world and muggle food. With the help from Hermione's parents they managed to get muggle music, food, and games.
Daphne and Fleur decided to keep two of the house tables for everyone to sit at on one side of the room the buffet table was the teachers table for the time being. Then a decent sized dance floor with off to the side smaller circular tables with games on top. The room was lit with glowing snowflakes suspended in the air. While smaller snowflakes fell from the ceiling but disappearing before touching anyone. The tables were draped in an elegant blue with silver swirl patterns. All in all it looked elegant but not super fancy so that the kids would be comfortable. They had Professors Flitwick, Burbage and Vector chaperoning for the younger years.
Harry stood outside his rooms waiting for his girls. Sitting on a table beside him were gifts. He had asked everyone not to wear jewelry so he could surprise them with pieces he had commissioned by the goblins.
When they came out he was speechless. He knew they were all beautiful but it was something different when they dressed up.


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