Chapter 10

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Harry found himself in the library of all places it was the first time he had been alone in what felt like a lifetime but a part of him missed the constant chatter of his girls. They always had something to talk about from clothes to school to their future. It amazed him that no matter how much they talked he could never stop listening. Paying attention to his girls he found little quirks about them that made him love them even more. Fluer had a habit of drumming her fingers when frustrated. Hermione bit her lip before she talked a habit that came from years of being bullied as if she had to watch her words. Daphne twisted her family ring when she was feeling anxious. Padma she played with the ends of her sleeves when she was nervous. And Susan she twisted her hair when she was in deep thought. There were more little things about the girls he loved but if he tried to think of it all he would be in the library all day. A first year approaching him broke him out of his thinking.
"Are you Harry Potter?" He asked Harry nodded.
"The headmistress wants you in her office." He said.
"Thank you I will head there now." Harry packed up his bag and left the library.
Making his way through the castle corridors and too the new headmistress office on the ground floor. He knocked on the door before going inside.
Minerva had made several changes two of which involved making the new office more accessible to the students. Then starting after Christmas there is a summer school program for children who didn't want to go home or if they felt unsafe to do so, even those who lived in orphanages could stay since the school was staffed year round anyways.
"Come in!" Harry entered through the door.
"Hello Minerva, you asked for me?" Harry said as he sat down in one of the chairs.
"Yes, we have run into a few problems trying to get the new programs up and running as well as finding new teachers. Especially for our history course." She sighed.
Harry gave it some thought. What if we used the other ghosts. The grey lady is almost older then Hogwarts I'm sure she would be a better teacher then Binns that should give us some more time. Especially if we have the other ghosts come in and talk about their lives. Sir Nicholas invited lots of different ghosts to his death day party I'm sure he can find some of his friends from different time periods to teach. What about these portraits they have all the memories of their counterparts when they were alive correct?" Minerva nodded. She gave it some thought.
"Yes that would work splendidly all we would need is to hire someone to keep the kids in line while in class." She wrote everything down. "Now I would really like to hire Mr. Lupin again but because he's a werewolf. It's a matter of diplomacy."
"Lupin is the best teacher we have had since I've been here. He's a great teacher. Maybe we could ask the students to take a survey or just simply write who their best defense instructor was. Then publish that along with his qualifications in the prophet. We can the assure that on the full moon he will be nowhere near the castle and have a substitute for his spot, Maybe Amelia would be willing to loan us an Auror or once a month. Then see if that auror could be the one to transport him to his safe house each time. Maybe to help alleviate some fears put him on probation. And have some one watching him in class the rest of the year." Minerva thought it through.
"Different perspectives are refreshing."
They spent the rest of the day talking about changes that were being made to the school.
Later that evening Harry returned to his rooms only to find Fluer waiting on him.

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