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"imagine a world like that."

"take a picture, it'll last longer." my best friend, rosalie, joked. i just rolled my eyes and took a bite of my sandwich. we were at lunch sitting at the far table away from everyone.

i was basically drooling over billie eilish. i've had a small crush on her for a week now. she was new to the school and like nothing i'd ever seen before.

"just talk to her!" rosa demanded. she had been chewing so some food bits flew from her mouth.

"first off, ew, and second, no. i don't like her it's just a little new kid crush, y'know?" i sighed.

"mhm." rosa responded annoyed. the bell rang and i quickly said goodbye to rosa and grabbed my things from my locker. billie walked by me with her new found group of friends. i was surprised she made friends so quickly, everyone here is kinda ass.

i grabbed my spanish book and headed to class a couple minutes before the bell rang. today was just a make up work day so i put my headphones in and did my english homework. it had been about five minutes and then the bell bursted open.

"sorry i'm late. my classes just got changed." billie spoke, panting. "well, welcome to spanish, take a seat wherever you'd like." the teacher spoke kindly. i just sighed and went back to what i was doing.

i could feel her sit next to me but i didn't say anything. i just turned my music up more and kept working. breathin by ariana grande ended and then imagine came on next. i tried to skip it. that song always made me think of billie. i didn't have any skips left so i just let it play.

i tried focusing on my work but i couldn't. all i could imagine was a relationship with billie. watching movies, holding her hand, kiss-

y/n you need to stop!

i sighed and looked up for the second time this class period. i could see billie looking at me out of the corner of my eye but i just brushed it off and kept working.

i could still feel her stare.

she tried to say something but i couldn't hear her over ariana's whistle notes. then she tapped me. i took out my headphones and looked over at her.

"what are we supposed to be doing?"

i couldn't help but laugh, and she did too. her laugh was beautiful. "just make up work or like whatever you want. you came at the right time, nothing important has happened yet. all you have to do is get your spanish book from the library and you'll be settled in." i spoke.

she ain't ask all that y/n. why did you even open your fucking mouth?

she just nodded and pulled out her phone. i got a rush of anxiety and embarrassment but i brushed it back.

i can cry about this tonight.

school had finally ended. billie asked me to meet her in the library so i could help her sign out a spanish book. i regretted it because that meant i couldn't go over to rosa's after school. when i told her she seemed kinda mad but understanding. i loved her so much.

i sat in the library waiting patiently. it was very quiet and i actually enjoyed it here rather than an actual classroom. once, our classroom got infected with bugs so we worked in the library. best week of my life, i got so much done.

billie walked in after about five minutes and then found me in the back sitting in a bean bag. "sorry, my friend needed something and then it took like, forever, to find this fucking place." she panted.

i chuckled and got up from the bean bag. "so let's get you situated." i smiled, walking up to the counter. as i walked people gave us dirty looks, i just ignored them and got billie signed up.

after i was done we walked back to the corner and i got her caught up on what we had already learned. "so is there like.. something on my ass?" she asked embarrassed. "no?" i laughed confused. "oh...well, why were people staring at us?" she questioned.

"people kinda...i don't know, hate me." i sighed. she nodded and looked back at the book.

"well, i like you, even if you look at my ass."

dani back at it again


thank u, next - billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now