thank u, next

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"look what you taught me."

after shopping, me and rosa went back to her house and i picked out some of the new clothes she bought me to wear to school tomorrow. i was still mad at her for wasting her money on me.

i kept bugging her in the car and asking her how i could pay her back but she just kept saying by going to the party. after a while i got worn out and left her alone.

rosa is honestly the bestest friend anyone could ever ask for. she's always there for me and i couldn't be more grateful.

me and her crawled into the bed together and i held her tight sobbing. i did this sometimes and she didn't seem to mind. sometimes it was about billie and other times it was alexis. no matter who it was, she was always there to comfort me with her warmth.

it was thirty minutes past five when rosa's alarm went off. she groaned, stopping it and getting up sloppily. i got up as well and ran in front of her to the shower. she stopped hesitantly but i grabbed her hand and dragged her in the bathroom with me.

"save water and shower with me."

"who were you crying about last night?"


"i'm gonna go make breakfast."

i think likes me.

after i got out of the shower, rosa hopped in. i quickly ate the delicious waffles she made, waited for her, and then we headed to the car.

it was silent for some time and it felt extremely awkward so i decided to put on some music. her phone was open so i grabbed it and resumed the song that had been playing.

i wanna be your girlfriend by girl in red.

i'd never heard it before but it was pretty catchy. i moved my head a little, smiling, but when i looked over to rosa a tear was falling down her cheek. "we're at school." her voice cracked as she parked and paused the song.

she opened my door for me but she didn't look at me. she just looked down and hid her face with her hair. we walked in together and then went our separate ways.

"i don't wanna be your friend, i wanna be your bitch."

thank u, next - billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now