Home sweet....... Mansion?!

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Chapter nine-

Gibbs' pov:

After many more near miss calamities Ziva gradually begins to slow, dragging the car along to a halt. "Here we are!" Eli proclaims before opening the door of the car and stepping out, Ziva mimicking his actions. Gradually I heave myself from the car and smirk a little when I see the David residence: Dinozzo was gonna need a paramedic! Suddenly the team, Eli, Nico and I are alerted to a rather strangled breath from a certain senior field agent as he lays eyes on where Ziva's childhood home was currently standing- Make that a crash team for our dear old Dinozzo! "ZIVA!" An awe struck idiot manages to stutter, "YOU LIVE IN A MANSION!"

HeHe that was fun to write; sorry the upadte is so small, will be bigger next time:-)!

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