Investagations around a mansion......

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Chapter eleven-

Gibbs' POV:

Tony, Tim dump their bags at the door before darting of in direction of the stairs, desperate to investigate the mansion; abbs follows in suit dragging a reluctant Ziva along for the ride leaving us 'adults' chuckling lightly; "Some kids never grow up!" Duck observes dropping his bag lightly to the ground, stretching his arms slightly. "Indeed." Eli replies smiling lightly, "Now come, let me show you all to your rooms." Nodding we each follow Eli whilst I yell out to the 'children' upstairs to get their butts down those stairs pronto else they'd be sleeping outside! Pausing as we walk up the stairs, we hear the clatter of feet and three rather in awe agents and one seriously grumpy looking mossad officer come crashing down the staits towards us; Tony, Tim and Abbs nearly bowling us over whilst Ziva stands a foot at the top of the stair case waiting for the rest of us  join her. "Giiiiibbbbbssss!" Abby squeals causing me to jolt; " Ziva lives in a mansion! This house is HUGE!" To emphasise her point Abby flings her arms wide, nearly takin out Mcguee and Nico who both duck simutaniously merely missing a trip to A&E while Abbs herself wobbes precariously causing both myself and Jen to grab our daughter figure;

Abby's pov:

Suddenly we are each drawn from our thoughts and actions by a light laugh sounding from the top of the stair case; there, stood next to Ziva stood a beautiful girl with long wavy blonde hair and piercing blue eyes like saphires; the girl looked around the age of sixteen and immediatly looking over towards Mcguee and Dinozzo I see their mouths slung open- Like hell! Keep dreaming boys keep dreaming! "You all should no better not to muck around on stairs!" she giggles, her Israilian accent thick and heavy; "Guys," Ziva exclaims smiling lightly, " Meet my sister Jace Arianna!"

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