A Sister And A Swimming pool

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Chapter 12 part three-

Jenny's pov:

Pacing down the corridoor, I smirk to myself knowing that once Dinozzo layed eyes on each of the bedrooms he was likely to go into shock: at the very least anyway! Honestly the David mansion was one of the most beautiful and expensive houses in israel- with over 20 bedroons it stretched pretty far; suddenly i am drawn from my thoughts as a rather loud collective shriek sounded from Dinozzo, Abby and Mcguee before each exclaimed simultaniously: "Bagsy this room!" Ooooohhh dear!

Gibbs' pov:

Unbelivably we managed to avoid a battle to the death as fortunetly none of the 'kids' were given the room- I was along with Jen! "Whip that smirk off your face Dinozzo!" I snarl; "I had to share with someone and its certainly not gonna be with one of you guy- Ya would'nt last the night!" The final pairings were me and Jen, Ziva and Dimwit, Mcguee and Abbs, Duck and the autopsy gremlin then finally Vance on his own; at Ziva and Dinozzo's pairing I grimace slightly: time to install a CCTV camera- no way am I leaving them unsupervised in a room together for five minutes let alone a night! Currently we were sitting by the villa pool- girls in bikinis, boys in trunks and drool coming from elf lord and dimwits mouth at the sight of Abbs and Ziva: make that two CCTV cameras!

"Well, well well! Ziva David back home." An unknown voice laughs causing Zivas eyes to avert from the dimwiys chest and towards the perculiar voice. There stood a boy around sixteen with dusty blonde hair who was grinning at Ziva. "Oh my gosh JJ?!" Ziva squealed in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"Here to see my girlfriends sister!" The apparent JJ replies laughing. "So wanna introduce me?" He asks whilst Ziva gasps at the thought. "Of course! Guys this is JJ Dimaro- Jaces boyfriend and JJ this is my team: the boss, Leroy Jethro Gibbs; the directors, Jenny Shepard and Leon Vance. The medical examiners, Doctor Ducky Mallard and Jimmy Palmer; and finally the team- Mcguee, computer genius, Abby, forensic scientist and finally Tony Dinozzo."

Hmm even the way she says his name is suspiscious. "Its a pleasure to meet you all." JJ smiles holding out a hand for me to shake. Suddenly JJ is up turned into water by a laughing Jace standing by a chuckling Eli! Boyfriend and Girlfriend wars, who doesn't love em?!

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