A Sister And A Swimming Pool

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Chapter 12: part two-

Gibbs' pov:

Oh heck no! An evil sister- what ever next! Looking around my family I gage each reactions- they looked visibly petrified: bar Ziva and Jen who both seemed unfazed! "Down this corridoor you will find rooms tagged with your names on each- Nico, Jace if you'd please follow me and we will meet the rest of you later;" Eli interrupts the silence with his note of departure- wrapping an arm round his daughters waist before declining down the hallway. "Well," Tony declares when they were out of earshot- "She seemed merry."

"Hands up who else practically wet themselves!" Abbs whimpered and McGee looked about ready to agree!

"Guys my little sister and I play this stupid little game where whenever the other brings home friends lovers etc we always attempt to freak the hell out of them so either they are scared for a slight um time or they supposidly confess a fiendish plan! Plus its our little way of protecting the other and kinda saying I love you." Ziva states this as if it was the most common thing in the world! "Aww thats so sweet! Your sister now is ssoooo cute!!" Abby squeals hurling herself at Ziva enveloping her in a massive Abby hug. "Abby-" Ziva begins; " She can't breathe!" A familiar voice giggles. There Zivas sister stands grinning; "Since Ziva has explained to you our little game the fun is now over- however, welcome to the David family NCIS! You've convinced me that you'd never hurt Ziva and for that I am truely greatful."  After she finishes Ziva walks over and embraces her- "Toda!" she whispers into her sisters ear " Now whoes ready to find their rooms and have a slumber party!" We all stare confused until both Dinozzo and Zivas sister pipe up-" Um Ziva its pool party!"

A/N: Just to let you know along with Vance Jenny is now in this story and as a little spoiler Vance will turn out to be not as innocent as the team expects...... Anyway enough with the creepy last part of chapter 12 coming soon:-)x

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