1. Sunday - Pancakes day

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Anastasia aka Anna

It is Sunday morning and the sun shines through my room. I do not feel like getting up and dive quickly under my covers. I hear my phone several times, but who sends messages on a SUNDAY morning. Nahh do not feel like taking my phone to look who it is and here under my blankets it is much better. Before I know it I am already asleep again.

Later that morning I smell my grandmother's freshly made pancakes under my covers and I jump out of bed like a ninja or what seems like and I almost break my leg.

As long as I can remember my grandma makes the best pancakes every Sunday morning. I brush my teeth quickly and refresh myself quickly under the shower. I already hear my grandma calling.

"Anna the pancakes are ready"

I run down the stairs and skip three steps with a big jump *BAM*

"She has arrived"

I hear grandpa say to my grandma. My grandpa knows that it's me who never finishes the stairs to come down. I embrace my grandpa with a big hug and I see my grandma coming from the kitchen with the plate of pancakes.


I always call my grandma "Nonna". Nonna starts to laugh and after she puts the plate of pancakes on the table I give her a big hug and a kiss. Okay now I can finally start to kill these pancakes, but then the doorbell rings. Pff well okay now the pancakes have still time to live for a moment, but I'll be back.

"Nonna Grandpa don't mind I'll see who called"

I get up from the table unfortunately and say goodbye to the pancakes for now. When I open the door I see Jessy standing there. She is my best friend from the moment we got to know each other at primary school.

"You are alive Anna? Pfjoeh"

I look at her strangely... but actually I am used to this. Jessy got her name as a drama queen at school and it doesn't bother her, because afterwards she wants to study at the highest theater university in New York to become an actress and I know for sure she will be the best.

"Uhmm, as you can see I am standing in front of you ALIVE Jessy Blonis"

"Well I have sent you numerous messages to meet up and go shopping for new outfits as it is our last week at school"

Shi#$@t oeps don't let Nonna and grandpa hear that, but indeed I completely forgot my phone after I smelled the pancakes. It is our last week at school. There will be a final party and Friday is the graduation. I can finally study medicine in Chicago a dream that I always have to help people, but where were we... OOH yes Jessy is still at the door.

"I totally forgot my phone Jessy, but let's first eat pancakes *they took long enough their freedom* and then we can shop"

Before I know it Jessy is already inside by hearing the word pancakes. I close the door and walk towards the kitchen.

"Jessy do not dare to eat all the pancakes"

Jessy laughs and sticks out her tongue. Nonna says she will make some extra and says "WHO IS THE BEST?"

On which grandpa behind his newspaper, Jessy with another pancake in her mouth and I at the same time say "NONNA"


I'm curious what you think for now... I'm starting to have a real appetite for pancakes :p haha ​​who else?

YES this will definitely not make it worse *considering making pancakes in the middle of the night*

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YES this will definitely not make it worse *considering making pancakes in the middle of the night*

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