6. Home

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"Dear passengers we have landed safely on the island of Siuya and would like to ask you to get off the plane, enjoy your stay or welcome back home"

At home... that's exactly where I am. I can see that Mason is still sleeping next to me with his snoring throughout the flight. I saw that the fellow passengers were irritated by it. I am used to it after I have shared a room on the military base with him for five years. He probably has not heard that we have landed. I hear him muttering something "Jax how are the girls on the egg..." He means probably island instead of egg, but he really should wake up now to get out of the plane.

"Mason dude we landed, let's get out of here instead of dreaming about girls and eggs" I shake my hands against his shoulders.

He opens his eyes and looks up with one of his eyebrow raising "Eggs? Who's talking about eggs? I'm talking about the girls on the island"

I look at him laughing "It was you who ended up with egg, but talking about eggs makes me want to have a fried egg for breakfast now, so come on and let us pick up our luggage and score some breakfast."

Mason still rubs his eyes and takes his way out of the plane. I walk behind him and see at the exit that the sun is just rising. It is wonderful to see how the whole island is glowing up.

After our papers and luggage have been checked again, we can finally enter the island. I can not wait to see my grandfather and friends who still know nothing about my return. Before I take the taxi to visit my grandfather and friends, I first want to get some breakfast. I see that Mason has already walked into some restaurant. When I walk in I see Mason turning around from the bar stool he sit on "The fried egg will be made uno momento amigo" and he turns back talking to the girl behind the bar. He is just on the island and starts to score something else than a breakfast. I do not want to disturb them and sit at a table against the window. I take the menu card for me to see what I can order more. The fried egg has already been ordered by Mason and I decide to order coffee. Through out my thinking I hear a familiar voice calling my name...

"Is it you Jax?"

I put my menu card away and I see the last person I want to come across. Katey! And before I know it I get hugged.

"Yes it's you Jax! Why did you not told me about your return?"

I say with an annoyed voice "I am indeed back as you see and I do not have to keep you informed about my life."

"Well Jax sweetie I could have organized a party for your return here on the island, but unfortunately I have to go now for an appointment at the beauty store. I will see you soon!"

And she waves me goodbye and stops just before the exit and says through the restaurant "Jax the party is coming to celebrate that you are back!"

I see everyone in the restaurant looking at me and I see Mason walking towards me with a questioning face.

"You do not even have to try and you immediately get the girls! It seemed that you know each other?" he tells me questioningly.

I decide to tell Mason who she is "It is true and someone I would like to avoid." Her name is Katey, which I had a short-term relationship with in the past. I met her at a party and we had it nice together. The next morning she came to the store where I work with my grandfather. According to my grandfather she told him if I wanted a relationship with her. My grandpa told me there are opportunities in life to take and he thought that I was to long singel. I actually did not wanted to have a relationship, but took the advice of my grandfather to give it a chance. In the beginning it was going well, but she used me more as a prize she had won at the fair and told everyone that I was her boyfriend that nobody could talk to, not even my friends. I broke up the relationship, because she was more concerned with herself than us. Now she still tries to make a chance again, as you just saw. "

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