3. Shop till we drop

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Three hours later Jessy and I are still walking through the shopping mall. The only difference is that Jessy has her hands full with bags and I do not have a single one.

"Anna you have not achieved anything yet and you can not look like a nerd at our last party at school"

Unfortunately I have not found anything nice yet and I will have to find something for the last party. But do I hear it well... look like a nerd?

"UHUMM! So I dress like a nerd and what's wrong with nerds Jessy?"

"Nothing at all Anna and you are the cutest nerd with whom Ethan wants to go to the final party"

Jessy will never stop trying with Ethan and me... My group of friends exists besides Jessy also from Ethan and Kevin. Ethan and Kevin are the popular boys at our school that you only read in books and where all girls are going crazy to be their girlfriend. Before Ethan and Kevin became popular, our friendship was already between us (Jessy, Ethan, Kevin & me). Kevin is Jessy's boyfriend for as long as I can remember. They are together the dream couple and many girls are jealous of Jessy. They often tried to get a break up between Kevin and Jessy, but Kevin has always remained loyal to Jessy. It is Jessy who later introduced me to Ethan who came to our school as a new student and became friends with Kevin. Soon Ethan was mentioned at our school as the golden boy. All girls became jealous that Jessy and I were friends with Ethan and of course her boyfriend Kevin.

After a while I understood from Jessy that Ethan wanted more than just being friends with me. I doubted a lot about this, because I saw him just as a very good friend to whom I can tell everything. Yes I know I may not be like most of the girls here at school who are dreaming to have Ethan as their boyfriend and would have said yes straight away. Well not me, but I gave it a chance and Ethan became my boyfriend. The news ran like a fire through school and everyone found out that it was official between me and Ethan. Yes, even the teachers... The worst thing was that Britanny knew. Britanny and her two minions Ashley and Kate are the meangirls at school. It was no secret that Britanny was planning to get Ethan as her boyfriend. Well you can guess what happened when she found out, because the first Monday morning when I was just listening to my music through my headphone to grab my books from my locker, I suddenly heard Britanny screaming through the hall. And that straight through my headphone!

"You from all the girls, I mean YOU instead of ME!"

Yes there was her lemonade all over my shirt.

"Woeps that was not my intention, what was your name again?"

Supposedly by accident. Yeah right!

"No problem because this was not my intention either"

And so Britanny * cough cough * also got my cola bottle over her pink shirt. Then we both got detention, but it was worth it!

During that period, Ethan clearly showed everyone that I was his girlfriend. I did not liked all that attention and never loved it, but yeah how could it be otherwise after Jessy introduced me to Ethan. Why did he have to become the golden boy of school ugh? He is indeed a nice looking boy that I do not deny, but the relationship did not last long. Ethan wanted more and I could not give it to him. I tried it, but I see Ethan as my best friend and not more. He also seemed to become more possessive and quickly became jealous when I spoke to other boys. The feeling was not there for me... than just as a best friend. I want to have the feeling, as I feel it with my grandmother and grandfather. I explained this to Ethan and he did not want to listen to it first.

"You remain my girlfriend, what I have just heard is not said!"

Ethan was different that night. He seemed to be aggressive and forced me not to make it out. At first I was afraid of it, but Jessy knew exactly when things were not going well and she knows everything about me as I know everything about her. Jessy then asked Kevin to talk to Ethan. Ethan seemed calmer a few days later and asked me to forgive him... to be friends again. It took a long time before I saw Ethan as a good friend again, but in the meantime I was the same nerd at school, not to mention Britanny is still after Ethan again.

Back in the shopping mall ...

Ethan asked me for the final party, but I do not want to go back as before or give him false hope.

"Jessy, you know very well that I can not go to the party with Ethan as a couple and besides, I've decided to go there alone as friends with you, Kevin and Ethan!"

"If you say so Anna than alright let the party starttt! But first let's still find a dress for you"

And Jessy was already gone in the store looking for a dress. I walk behind her and did the same. I walk in and out of the dressing room, but no dress seems to be the right one.

"Pff Anna the dresses don't want you today"

If the day could not get worse, we suddenly heard from the speakers that the shopping center will close in five minutes.

"No problem Jessy I will find a dress online"

"Are you sure?" She asks me.

"I hope so Jess. Fingers crossed"

It was already Sunday evening and we hugged each other a goodbye till tomorrow at school.

I finally arrived home after a bus trip of 45 minutes, because the driver thought it was necessary to get lunch during his service. As if the day could not be worse...

"Hola Nonna and grandpa I am at home"

Nonna always knows by hearing my voice when something is bothering me. It's just her magical spirit I guess.

"Anna did you not buy anything in the shopping center for the final party?"

Ooh it is not her magical spirit telling her, but logical if I arrive without bags after spending the whole day in the shopping center.

I sigh "No Nonna I did not find anything at all, but I will try to find a dress online hopefully"

I saw Nonna sadly looking at me, because she also knew that I will probably find nothing online and the delivery is very tight for Friday. I then hear the house bell and see my grandpa walking to the door. I look around the corner and Woehoee it's pizza. My Nonna and grandpa always know how to cheer me up.

And I just think 'Tomorrow is a new day with new opportunities and my last week at school!'.

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Will Anna find a dress? & what is going to happen in her last week at school. Do not forget the final party!

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