5. Last schoolday

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This chapter is for @gooclnight the first comment on my story ♡


In my room I lie on my bed staring at the ceiling with the light stars that my grandpa once placed when I was little girl. It is 01:00 AM and I can still not sleep ugh... maybe because it is our last week at school I guess.

After the summer I will go to Chicago to study medicine. They received millions of registrations and I am one of the lucky ones who received a letter from the University of Chicago Medicine. The letter stated that I passed the registration and the university is welcoming me after the summer. It just seemed like a letter to me that I've always been waiting for from Hogwarts. It was quite a challenge to register, but I succeeded with an original entry through my self-written book about the life of me as a future doctor in Chicago. Nonna and grandpa support me in this and want me to follow my dreams. I find it all exciting, but I do not want to leave Nonna, grandpa and my friends behind. Here I go again... thinking thinking and thinking. That is why I can probably not sleep. Let the summer start first before I think even more!

In the past two days Monday and Tuesday, the last year students have been released from school. Those days I stayed at home and I have read books endlessly that have taken me to another dimension that I can only dream of, made cookies with Nonna and with grandpa fixing his old classic car that has now been brought back to life. It was time, because it is a beautiful classic car and grandpa unfortunately does not let anyone drive. No including his own granddaughter! A shame! Right? But who knows when I will ask for it with my puppy eyes? Hmm I will try it tomorrow morning.

Not to mention I gave up for looking a dress online. I did it for one hour. Every time I had found the right dress and wanted to order it... number 1: the size you want is unfortunately not available number 2: the dress has just sold out and the worst number 3: 99% loading screen to finalize payment.... product has just sold out. My stress level went from 0 to an unknown number. I will see what I can get out of my closet. It is for sure better than to look for a dress online or in the store. No way!

Jessy had been looking for a tuxedo with Kevin in the last two days. I got million photos in the group chat of Kevin from Jessy about which was the hottest tuxedo. Typical Jessy of course, because she wants to be chosen together with Kevin as the miss and mister perfect of the final party. In the end, Ethan and I agreed that the dark blue tuxedo would be the best match with Jessy's dress. Kevin liked everything and was happy to be back at home after seeing the shopping center for two days in a row.

I want to send Jessy a message, but I see on my phone that it is already 02:00 o'clock in the night. NOOOO only 4 hours, 25 minutes and 30 seconds to sleep... tomorrow uhhh I mean today I have to get up early, because our history teacher Bob thought it is necessary to teach us the last time history. I really have to fall asleep now. I close my eyes and crawl under my blanket. In my thoughts I start counting sheeps in different colors. Yes, no matter how old you are, those sheeps sometimes save your life in the night. I start counting with sheep number 1, 2, 3, 4 .... 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003 ...........

4 hours later

'Beep Beep Beep'

Do I hear anything? No, certainly not. I turn around and throw my blanket over my head. 'BEEP BEEP BEEP' I then hear the sound getting louder somewhere. Yes, my alarm of course. I try to find my phone somewhere on the nightstand with my hand and my head in the pillow. It can not be true. I take my head out of my pillow and sigh deeply. It is indeed my alarm. I still rub my eyes and a devilish voice tells me to take a nap for just five minutes, but no, the five minutes will turn into fifty minutes and detention.

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