4. Back to home

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It is already a few hours later after my visit at the office with Admiral John Keller this morning. I still can not believe it. After what I found out for two weeks now... he found out that I knew it and persuaded me to be his right hand. I remember his exactly words:

"Jax Watson you should not have known about this, because I wanted to personally inform you and name you my right hand"

It was not even a request. He already assumed that I would agree with this and be his right hand in this whole event. I rejected this immediately and for now I have enough of my military service. I do not want anything to do with this.

I walk up the hallways towards the military bedrooms to get my stuff and leave. Through the windows in the hallway I see that they are training hard outside. I will definitely miss this. I suddenly notice that I do not see Mason? Anyway, I have to go on quickly and get away from here. Admiral John Keller was clear that he did not want to see me anymore. I am finally in front of my room number 55 which will now only be from Mason when I leave. I take my keys from my pocket and strangely enough the door suddenly opens itself. At least that's what I thought.

"Jax I already heard your keys, but you never guess this!"

I see that Mason pulls the door open before I put my key in the door, but what do I never guess?

"I am coming with you! You did not think I would let you go to party this summer alone, because this boy is ready for a PARTYYYYY!"

Mason clearly had enough of his military service and wanted to party. He went into military service because his parents were addicted to alcohol and could not take care of him. Mason was transferred from one foster home to another. He then decided at the age of 18 to leave and join the military service. He later tried to pick up the connection with his parents in the hope that they had been sober and not using alcohol anymore. The conversation with his parents was the opposite, because his parents told him that they do not know about having a son named Mason and ended the conversation through the phone. Clearly his parents were still addicted to alcohol. Mason was afterwards a whole different person and became silence for a long time. Since he is my roommate and I know him as the joker and how to make a party. I did not recognize Mason in this. After having confronted him about what had happened that evening that he was going to make a phone call to his parents, he told me about his past. I see Mason as my brother in the five years that we now know each other. But did I heard it well... he is leaving with me!

"You are at the right place this summer. At the Island for a PARTYYYY"

Mason had already packed up his stuff and told me that he would already say goodbye to the rest of the boys. I quickly packed my things in my sportbag. I did not have much with me so that makes it easy. After I have all my stuff together I close the sportbag. I throw it over my shoulder and look around the room one more time. The room I spent with Mason together for five years. Five years in service and completing missions with the good fortune to come alive from there. It is now finally time to return home. I close the door behind me and close the door for the last time with the key. I hang the key back in the safe next door.

Through the hallways I walk back to the exit. Outside I see that the boys have a break. When I arrive at the boys, I tell them about my leaving and say them goodbye.

"Jax too bad you leave soldier"

"Do not let Mason party too much"

"Safe flight and arrival mate"

I feel sorry to leave the boys and not telling them what I found out. Admiral John Keller was clear with his threat the last time. I wonder if the boys already know?

I see Mason at the military ford ranger who is ready to take us to the airport. I say goodbye to the boys for the last time and head for Mason to get on the ford ranger. When I turn my back and walk my way to the ford ranger I hear one of the boys say:

"Do not worry that you're not the right hand and you miss this opportunity. I'm happy to take yours"

To my surprise, probably some already know what will happen! I do not want to think too much about it anymore and leave it all behind me. After all it is impossible that what I discovered will be happening.

"Are you getting in! That's not how we will arrive at the party if you are daydreaming"

Mason gets me out of my thoughts and I step in the ford ranger on the way to the airport. Going home where I belong.

At the airport, Mason and I are being checked for data and possession of things we have.

"Everything is fine guys you can continue"

Tells one of the female assistants behind the counter.

"Jax did you saw her give a wink to me, the journey is already starting nice!"

I am laughing at Mason his reaction.

"Come on, let's just take the plane. You will probably not see her again unless you want to stay here?"

Mason looked at me like I was crazy to ask him if he wants to stay here "I don't think so, there will be more winks on the island I guess."

He definitely does not know how to stop and will certainly turn the whole island upside down. Just the Mason I know. We hear from the intercom about our flight:

"Plane to Island Siuya will leave in 30 minutes and will be asked to get in!"

It is time to step in. I walk up the stairs and Mason just behind me. Arriving within the plane, Mason and I show the flight attendants our tickets with our place number. Then one of the flight attendants shows us the way. I have a place next to the window, as I had preferred to have and Mason is sitting next to me. Looking out I drown in my thoughts. I'm curious what my friends and grandfather will think of my sudden return. Because I have not told them anything about coming back to home.

"Jax you never really told me why you suddenly wanted to leave the military base?"

Mason wakes me again from my thoughts and with a question where I unfortunately have to keep the answer for me.

"It was just time to go home and catch up with normal life, so this summer will be a PARTYYYYY as you say it!"

I try to convince Mason as well as possible. Successfully

"That's how I want to hear it Jax, who's in for a PARTYYYY!"

As much as I would have liked to tell him the real reason for my sudden departure. For now I only want to be at home...
_________________ ♡ ___________________

Silent Readers forgive me that I have just posted a new chapter instead of Friday or Saturday night. I started this week on my new internship and that five days in a row with services from 7 to 15.30 * kill me * x_x and today also worked from 7 in the morning, but tomorrow I am free woehee!

As you have seen, I have placed a picture for this chapter from the serie "PUNISHER" a real recommendation on Netflix & now season 2 😍

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As you have seen, I have placed a picture for this chapter from the serie "PUNISHER" a real recommendation on Netflix & now season 2 😍

Back to the story! What did Jax find out? According to him, this could not happen ...

Let me know what you think about my storyline for so far x

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