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"I can't believe she's dead." Yoongi croaked, his words falling into the almost silent mumbles of the hallways as Emily ceased to reply. How could she reply? She was debilitated in the frame of delicate roseate and white roses that bordered her now haunting portrait.

Sofia Foster was dead, her presence still sutured to the minds of Greenville. The news having animated the town into a dejected climate that cruel day. Emily recalled what brought her to this sombre state.

Sofia Foster, a student from Greenville High, has sadly passed away this morning after what has now been revealed to be a heart attack. She was found in her school at approximately 5:30 this morning by the caretaker—

"Neither can I." She eventually brought herself to reply, not being able to hide the doleful tone that soaked her voice. "Still though—."

Yoongi let his eyes stray to her, meeting with her anxious figure. "What?"

"Just... d-don't you think it's strange how one of the school's best swimmers just... dies of a heart attack?" She hesitated, only being able to guess the boy's reaction to her uncertainty.

"I guess... but it happens sometimes. It's not like things like this haven't happened before." Yoongi affirmed soon before his folded stance was unraveled by a defibrillator-like touch.

Shooting his body into a gladiator posture, he prepared himself for the conflict, only to find himself thaw at the sight of his friend, Bella, eyes locked together as she cackled at the boy.

"Jesus, Yoongi! I barely touched you." The blonde girl grinned, seemingly numb to the melancholy environment she was immersed in.

He sent back a scoff in reply. "You're just lucky I didn't get enough time to throw a punch." He attempted to challenge, only earning himself Bella's hair tousling fingers messing his charcoal hair.

"Can you two stop flirting and keep your voices down?" Emily urged in a hush after Sofia's ornamented portrait ran into her gaze, reminding her that it was only a few mornings ago that Sofia passed from what might have been only metres from where she was standing.

"Oh—r-right sorry." Bella whispered to the girl, the cheerful feeling fleeing her portrait.

Shaking her head to herself, a black figure intruded the corner of her edging vision, finding her body turning to focus on the unknown origin. Running her eyes across the figure that was lurking behind the blue metallic locker, she came to the conclusion of their identity.

Jeon Jungkook, otherwise known as Sofia's ex-boyfriend.

He was exactly what everyone observed him to be. The text-book definition of the jock stereotype.

Yet, as Emily has already learnt.

Death changes people.

"I feel sorry for Jungkook." Bella interjected into Emily's solemn speculation. "I mean he loses his girlfriend and then he's forced to quit the swim team."

"Wait... 'forced'?" Emily puzzled, the lost expression invading her face.

"Yeah. He said that his parents didn't want him to swim anymore or something like that—but just between us three... I'm pretty sure he's just quitting on his own terms... I don't really blame him." She explained, the blue mood slithering further into their scene.

Emily saw the snarky comment eager to be liberated from Yoongi's lips, but soon finding his drawn breath sliced into by a thunder-like slam shooting down the corridor.

Fist had met locker. More specifically, Jungkook's fist with the now indented sapphire metal. No longer permitting the eyes of his spectators to run their gaze on him, he quickly fled the scene.

"What's wrong with him?" Yoongi questioned, eyes still cemented to where the vexed boy had stood.

"I don't know." Emily lied.

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Climbing further across the zircon blanket of the sky, the dying Summer sun blazed down on the green field. The heat seeping into her skin as Emily launched the ball to Bella again, the air surrounding her being saturated by the sound of the P.E teacher's whistle.

"I don't know... I kind of think he's still alive." The sun-kissed girl continued to babble. "Or is that a bit of a stretch?"

"With that show, nothing is too much of a stretch." She sneered, catching the ball that had temporarily taken flight. "Speaking of too much of a stretch, are you coming to training tonight?" Emily attempted to inquire, only to be interrupted by a ball harshly colliding with her face.

Trying to nurse her stinging face, Bella's snickers not aiding in her attempt to numb the pain, she saw a familiar figure jog over to her.

She scoffed as her eyes studied the figure, soon realising it was Jungkook. "Watch where you're firing your ball next time, huh?" Waiting for his reply as she tried to erase the petit agony with her hands, yet received no reply as Jungkook retrieved the ball and started to leave.

"Not even a sorry?" She groaned as the boy continued to neglect her, walking back to wherever he had resided.

"Losing a girlfriend isn't an excuse to be an ass." Bella remarked once she knew the boy was a safe distance from the two. "I swear he's losing it."

Emily hummed in agreement, observing the boy as he returned to a sphere of boys for a moment.

Distanced, vexed calls barged into her senses, pulling her back into the epicentre of Jungkook.

A shove led to a push.

A push led to a punch.

With the instigator balled on the floor, a crimson blur running down his face, Emily caught Jungkook yet again fleeing the scene, striding towards the changing rooms with a ruby fist.

The girl would have normally quarantined herself from things like this.


She had to make sure it wasn't happening again.

Despite Bella's whining protests, Emily followed Jungkook in suit, trailing his steps that led her into the boys' changing room. Invading odours of nauseating aftershaves and sprays couldn't blind her from the inhuman growls erupting from the concealed boy.

Staying hidden, she let her senses be flooded with the familiar sound of clothes tearing at their seems in the symphony of agonising cries and stone fracturing into nothing but dust.

She didn't know how long she stayed like that. Heart constantly threatening to collapse as it continued to beat at a life threatening pace.

Then suddenly, the brutal melody she had forced herself to listen to was reaching its end. Humane breaths flooding back into her ears as the growls faded into muffled cries.

Hesitantly, she edged around the corner, soon having his figure illustrated back into her eyes. A dusk colour ran from his skin as the beige shade returned. Breathing still ocean deep as the slick slithers of cotton was all that survived his episode.

"J-Jungkook?" She asked in a hardly audible volume, Jungkook snapping his head back at the girl.

"Fuck." He swore.

I hope you enjoyed the very first chapter of carnivore :))
If you're confused
This is my take on the kind of "werewolf" genre of fan fiction since I've been reading a lot and I wanted to change it a bit to make it WAY LESS cliché and cringey
More chapters will be coming out soon so be ready for that
Don't forget to vote and comments because you know you want to ;)

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