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"I'll get it." Jimin called out, he passed through a harsh sigh as he lifted himself out of his disheveled sheets. 

Even if he had been surrounded by the miracle of Jungkook's heart still beating, he had found his life in a deficit of miracles. Bella had still rejected his calls and texts, continuing to banish him from visiting her.

It felt as if the celestial being who had illustrated his life had darkened it into a bleak tragedy.

Initially cursed with being a nightmarish shape of nature and now, the only person he thought could hallucinate a better life had been torn by fear and clear hatred.

His fragile steps met with the walls, shooting echoes across the petite foyer as he opened the door. Revealing the character he thought had been expelled from his own personal tragedy.

"B-Bella." He only just breathed out.

Her figure only seemed to act as salt to his wounds. Reminding him of what he had done to her.

A trio of fresh scars were painted in agony across her left eye in the limelight of his eyes, scattered colonies of stitched cuts roaming in the canvas of her former sun-blessed skin.

His mouth continued to open and close, mumbles of lost thoughts only sliding from his lips in substitution to the words he really wanted to say.

I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.


"Emily visited me a few days ago... she told me about... about you and the c-curse." She clarified, her fingers crossing over each other to form a plait of beige. "She told me that you couldn't... c-control it. She told me how devastated you were after that d-day." Bella added, her eyes brushing into his.

He could still hear her words despite finding all of his attention forcefully sown to the scars he carved into her skin. The red pigments never to fade.

"So... what? You-you're just here to try and make me feel better?" His voice came out more vexed than he had originally planned. "Well what do you expect me to do Jimin? J-just run back to you and forget everything that happened?" She snapped back.

"No, Bell—."

"You attacked me! You almost killed me! Do you know how much that scared me? Can you even fathom how terrifying it was to watch your boyfriend turn into a monster and tear you to pieces?" Her lips continued to project with volume, her eyes threatening to overflow with warm saline.

"Well, I'm glad you can finally see me for what I am. A monster." Jimin blew.

He knew she would leave. He could still see it swimming in her eyes.

The pure terror of what he did to her.

The pure terror of what he was.

She sighed, clear that she wanted to reenact the scene between them. Retract the words back to her mouth so that they couldn't be heard. "Jimin I-I... I just need t-time. I really really do like you... b-but... right now. I need time to recover."

"I hope you can understand." Her weak, yet sweet smile spoke, earning a nod from the boy.

He was hesitant. It had already been torture without her presence, but he knew it was for the best.

"So... is that all you wanted to say?" He hesitated as her voice grew into nothing more but soft breaths, only just noticing the band of files embedded in her hands. "What are those?" He asked.

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