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"She's not okay." Yoongi stated as he observed the girl leave the room, the fractured smile still imprinted on her face. Finding its home on her face since the news of Jungkook had been revealed.

The others hummed in agreement, intertwining their fingers. Playing with them as a distraction as they evaded any direct eye contact. "I just can't believe he's dead... what even happened?" Namjoon finally conjured the confidence to ask.

"From what Bella's Dad told me last night, his car was found completely destroyed on the road to Cliffstone... they could barely identify his b-body." Yoongi answered through a coarse breath. "The thing I-I just don't understand is... I could shoot myself several times and I--."

"Wait hold on. You shot yourself?" Jimin almost gasped.

"That's besides the point... my point is that no matter how many bullets I used... I would never die. Not even leave a mark or a scar." Yoongi continued to explain as the boys attention slowly, one by one, stitched to the boy. "What is your point, Yoongi? You think Jungkook isn't dead?" Seokjin speculated, turning to examine the boy better. "Because of this whole "healing" thing?" He added.

He remained silent just for a moment. "I just want to be optimistic... for the sake of all of us... especially Emily. Nathaniel is missing... most likely dead from what Emily has told me. Jungkook was the one who killed Sofia and Jane--."

"You're only just telling us this now? What the hell Yoongi?" Jimin suddenly snapped, now overshadowing the slightly trembling Yoongi. "What else are you and Emily hiding from the rest of us, huh?" He continued to snarl, Seokjin and Namjoon inevitably rising from their settlements to retrain the burning boy.

Emily couldn't help but to hear their conversing. Her back embracing the navy-tiled wall as the tray of beverages trembled, her hands became cursed with a tremor.

Her eyes burned, trying to silence the weak sniffles that fled her body.

She couldn't afford to be weak in front of them. She couldn't meet the price of crumbling when so many found their foundations supported by her.

If she fell by the will of her fractures, they would crumble too.

She banished the wet trails on her face, hoping that the red pigment in her eyes would fade. Trying to settle the angered waves of the untreated tea before she emerged back into the room, Jimin just being reigned to his seat.

"Tea is served." She announced through her smile as she laid the several cups down, seeing their concerned looks drown her sight. "T-thanks, Em." Taehyung initiated as he embraced one of the mugs in his hands.

Sitting next to Yoongi, she sipped at the tea as the others just stared at their reflections in the oak-like liquid. She breathed. "So what were you all talking about while I was out?" She asked.

"Look Em... we need to talk about this—." Yoongi attempted to lure her into the conversation, only to be met by her dodges. "Talk about what?" She puzzled.

"You know exactly what. You need to stop acting like this... it's not healthy at a—."

"And do you know what else isn't healthy, Yoongi? Believing that someone who is dead is actually alive." She snapped back, her eyes dilating at her own words, Yoongi replicating her expression. "Emily, it's not like Jungkook is human for God's sake. Who says that a car crash could kill him off?" He bit back as the others remained in their own solemn silence.

"I don't know, the fact that they found his body?!" Her voice started to amplify in volume.

Yoongi instantly shrivelled into tranquility.

"Don't you think I'm sick of everyone around me suffering? First it was my Mum, and then my Dad, then Sofia, then all of you getting cursed, then Bella, Jane, Nathaniel and now Jungkook. I'm so sick and tired of being me! Because all it bloody includes is the people I admire get hurt or killed and then trying to help and it just accumulates to nothing! I'm 16 years old and I've already killed three people for this fucking curse. I just want this to end!" She exclaimed as the tears slipped from her domain and down her face. "Sometimes I just wish that the beast would just kill me alre—."

"Don't say that." Jimin finally invaded the monologue.

"Why not? It's the truth! Don't you all think the same?  We've lost everything to this bloody thing! You've lost your humanity... your control amongst so many other things." She fought back, her voice eventually descending into a whisper as she realised her words.

Looking around in the ringing silence, she saw their drained expressions. Her words clearly having conjured the emotions they had tried to bury within themselves, all forgotten until now.

"W-what is your point, Em? That we should all give up?" Yoongi questioned, looking into the core of her eyes.

"N-no I—." She breathed through a tremble.

"I'm sorry." She closed her eyes, continuing to wipe the tears off her face. "I-I-I'm not thinking s-straight... I n-need time on my own." She confessed.

Opening her eyes again, she found the group presenting her with a collection of comprehensive nods. Soon finding herself in only the company of the fading memories of her home.

The disoriented mist of the sea had rolled in, draining the landscape into a pure white. A blank canvas as the world outside lost its ties with existence.

As the white enveloped her eyes, she thought how the world had suddenly become nothing without him.

Without Jungkook.

Just left as an eager canvas, unsatisfied with its lack of colour and life. Its artist however never to return.

A knock presented itself through an echo.

Emily sighed as she already knew who it was. Officer Roberts, driven by the desire for Emily's knowledge of Nathaniel to fly from Springford to Greenville.

Dragged steps brought her to the door, struggling with the lock for a moment before the jaw whined open to reveal the character.

"Emily." Jungkook smiled.

Looks like Jungkook is alive hehehehehehehe

I'm sorry but I had to do it :) but you love it anywayThis chapter is a bit short I know but I've been blowing out long ones for a while so here's a quick read to get you recovered from the last chapterHope you enjoyed it 😉💜

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I'm sorry but I had to do it :) but you love it anyway
This chapter is a bit short I know but I've been blowing out long ones for a while so here's a quick read to get you recovered from the last chapter
Hope you enjoyed it 😉💜

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