f i v e

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26th, January

You received a text message from Elijah:

"Hey, are you coming to church tonight?"

This is the third time that someone's asked me to go to church today, maybe I should actually go?

I text back and say "Probably not".

He doesn't actually go to my church-well not anymore-so it's a bit weird that he's asking this now. Since i'm super curious I text again and say "Why? Are you coming?".

He answers back and says "Yes I am".

And I leave him on read.

I wasn't planning on going but this text message just made me change my mind. Okay before you think I'm a hoe. I'm not.

I'm just interested to see what he'll do if i actually come tonight.

We did have a bit of history but it was really nothing. He basically asked me out last year, and I said no. I lied by saying I had something on with a guy (which was a truth and a lie at the same time) but I was just too busy to be in a relationship.

I quickly text my friend to pick me up, and I start getting ready.


I arrive at church and the first person I see is Sela. We run straight for each other and give each other the biggest hug. Seeing as I just came back from my holiday it's safe to say that we definitely missed each other.

Of course I told her all about Elijah.

And they also had history.

It was around 5 years ago I think. But history's still history and their one was the worst. It's not my story to tell and frankly i'm not bothered telling it.

She apologises to me in advance and says "I'm sorry if I get all moody".

I'm not the type to let it affect me, so I shrug it off and start heading to the main building.

I walk to the kitchen and place some food down. As I do that, I hear a man's voice call my name. No doubt it's Elijah.

I ignore the voice mainly because I'm not bothered dealing with him at the moment and also because I wanna catch up with my actual friends and not with some guy.

I walk back to where Sela is and we start practicing our youth song.

Not much later I see Shawn and do our signature handshake together. I have a feeling that we'll get much closer this year but who knows.

We all sit down in our seats and soon the service finishes.


The service finishes and me and Sela head straight for the food.

No surprise there.

Everyone greets me on the way there, not forgetting to mention how my holiday was, and I obviously reply the most mundane answer possible.

"It was good!".

I really should find a better response than that.

Soon enough we reach the table full of food.

Not surprisingly, Sela grabs a plate and starts filling it up with as much as she can.

I don't grab a plate.

It's pretty bad, but I don't eat as much as I used to.

Maybe it's all the remarks I hear or maybe my body just rejects it. Either way, I only grab a tiny sandwich and unconsciously decide that this is my meal for the day.

SOML: Autumn's POVWhere stories live. Discover now