n i n e

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3rd February

Only the second week of school, and I already had a hard time waking up this morning. I'm sitting in my physics class stressing, because the class has no idea how to answer the questions on the worksheet.

Including the teacher.

I mean I love her, but Ms X cannot teach physics for the life of her. She'd ace teaching sport, but physics is not for her. However, I suck it up and try to teach myself the content as best as I can.

I'm confident in the subject, but as someone who has no self confidence in their answers it's quite hard. It's a bit ironic that i'm confident but not confident. The only reason is that I need someone to back me up, or maybe I just need a teacher who actually knows what they're doing.

If they can't do it, where's the hope for me?

Physics class is over and me and Savannah (yes this is a different Savanna, but they have similar names and people alway confuse them two) start talking about the teacher. She reveals to me that she might be dropping the subject and I practically beg her not to leave.

Even tho if feel she actually might leave to go a Biology class. Oh well.

We go our separate ways and I go to my maths class. Maths goes by really quickly because I've already learnt the content prior and I finish most of the set task that our teacher gave us.

Maths class finishes and Tami tells me that even though I don't sit with her during lunch (and sit with another group), she doesn't like sitting at the tables during recess (when I'm present). I agree with her and start complaining.

We talk about how the floors would be cleaner than the tables and we'd rather sit in the floor sitting areas in the quad.

Not to mention that there's 9 people in the group and we can't fit on the table.

It's just impractical and we both agree that we hate it.

I tell her to not worry about it and we'll talk to them about it tomorrow, just because it's hard for me to tell them not to sit somewhere, when i'm not even going to be sitting with them.

So I tell her to wait for tomorrow and hopefully we can sort out a good seating place.

A U T H O R S  N O T E

Question of the day: How would you feel if you had to study for an exam and the teacher teaching you is unsure of the content herself? 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2019 ⏰

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