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31st January

"You really need to fix your hair.".

I hear Talia say this to me as I walk out my WAY TOO EARLY maths extension class. Since it is an extension class that means that I can't have it during school hours, and have to have it at an EXTREMELY early time since most people can't stay back after school.

Taking one for the team I guess.

Talia says this to me and to put it bluntly it's a bit rude and she's always been like that.

That doesn't mean it pisses me off from time to time.

Upon hearing this Savanna jumps to my so called rescue, and defends me by saying "You're so mean". To which Talia says "What, it's the truth".

Wow that hurt a bit.

"Just shut up and say it looks nice and be fake." says Savanna.

Okay that hurt too.

"It's the truth tho, she doesn't want me lying to her, she said so herself ages ago" she replies back.

It's true I did say i'd rather have the truth, but I also did say that I rather have people be tactful about ya know.


I shrug in agreement and walk off to my other friends.

If people want to say things about other people they really should think of the 5 second rule. If they can change it in 5 seconds, go ahead and tell them. But if they can't change it in 5 seconds don't say it at all, or just help them with it instead of being rude and not even offering to help.

As time goes by, I head to my music class, then to my spanish class, english class, and then finally my last class of the day english.

I was thinking of dropping music, but the music teacher convinced me to change my mind. Not to mention she's so lively and energetic. Something that's hard to find these days.

I find myself not getting distracted and actually focusing on the English class ahead of me. Let's see if this new found attention span will last me the whole year.

A U T H O R S  N O T E

Question of the day: Would you ever dye your hair, and if so what colour?

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