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19th, January

I am exhausted.

As I walk around the mall with my second oldest sister, Alyssa, I realise that walking around in mall for what seems to have been 5 hours, is exhausting. But at least it's not boring.

You see when I walk around with my oldest sister, Mia she's just glued to her phone 24/7. And I thought I was supposed to be the typical millennial. Honestly I gave up on listening to her excuses, because actions speak louder than words. If your friends need you, so be it. But I guess she forgets that her family needs her as well.

I walk around with Alyssa, feeling the fabric of the clothes as I walk past each rack. Then all of a sudden we bring up Mia.

And not in a positive way.

Alyssa mentions how quick she is to conclude other people's actions and personalities. For example, our cousins mentioned how good my brother Ashton is at making friends and asked if he was popular back at our home country. Mia, being the oldest (and thinking she knows everything) says that he's always in his room and is very to himself. Based on the evidence that she's seen (which is quite minimal seeing as she doesnt make the effort to get to know our brother), she concludes that he obviously has no friends. Understandable, but she doesn't

Oh if only she knew how many raves he's gone to and how many drugs he's done with his friends.

But oh well, let's let her believe she knows everything.

I'm not trying to sound like a know it all, but it just gets a bit frustrating when someone speaks on your behalf when you never wanted them to. And it's even more frustrating when they don't even say the right information.

We walk around the mall venting for a bit more and we don't realise how loud we're getting until we start seeing people staring at us. But then again, I'm almost sure that it's not because we're loud but rather because we're not in Australia and we're speaking in english.


A few more hours past and we then meet up with the rest of our family and cousins at this all you can eat buffet. The food wasn't really my cup of tea, but it was good nevertheless.

After eating, we all decide to go to Elizabeth's house to gamble, drink and just catch up more (ignoring the fact that this is all we've been doing all holidays, I mean seriously do they not get sick of this?). I hop out the car and once again admire her mansion. She's married to David, the son of the owner of a famous company here so the view isn't shocking, but it's still amazing to see. I won't bore you with the details of the mansion (okay real talk, i'm just too lazy to describe the place), but let me just say that it is BIG. They even have maids everywhere.

Honestly, I'm just glad that my cousin and her husband aren't rude to the maids and are actually very polite.

Elizabeth's sister (my cousin), Elena, asks if I wanted to gamble and I politely decline as I don't have any cash on me.

A few minutes pass by, and my brother gives me money to gamble. The game starts and so does the drinking. Let me tell you, that these games can go on for hours. Lately we've only been doing them till around 1 or 2am, but last year we could keep a game going till 4 am. The money goes around quite quickly, and we always increase the bets after a couple hours have past.

Now, before all of you think that I'm addicted to gambling, I'm not. I don't actually ever gamble, unless I'm with family. Whenever I win money, it's fun. Whenever I lose money, I just imagine like it's a fee you pay to play in the arcade. I may sometimes lose $100, but the fun is honestly worth it to me.

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