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30th January

I'm finally back at school and people are complimenting my new dyed and short hair. Even though I know they're lying.

I don't even like it myself.

It's not blended. The colour looks like my piss especially compared to my black roots.

I hate it.

And all these people are either lying straight to my face or delusional. I, of course, go for the first option.

My homeroom teacher passes me my schedule and I check it.

Advanced English, Advanced Math, Extension Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Spanish, Music. All the subject I wanted, and I know for a fact none of my close friends will be in it.

I compare my schedules with everyone elses and I already know I'm not with anyone, which makes me wonder why I bothered.

However, my friend (although we aren't close I find it easy to talk anyone so it doesn't matter), Bianca was in all my classes excluding music, so at least I had someone to talk to and not get distracted by them.

Time flies by and now its lunch.

Talia decides to get really friendly with me and decides to tell me her whole life story. One that i'm not too keen on listening to in my honest opinion.

Only because, we've drifted so much and it doesn't make sense why she would tell me such private stories.

At one point we were inseparable, but now there are times when I can't stand to be around her.

"And then he fingered me" she says.

If I was a bad actress I would've given away the fact that I was incredibly shocked. Not because of what he did.

But because she told me she's not that easy.

Well it was last year when she told me, and it's true when they say people do change.

I don't know what to think.

She goes on about her makeout session on the grass, her handjob at her bedroom, her makeout session at the movies and even all her hickeys.

To say I was uncomfortable would be an understatement, but I don't let it show on my face. It doesn't make it any better that these actions were all on different guys.

A great friend, but her actions are questionable. I guess that at one point in my life I was exactly like her, and maybe will be like that in the future.

But for now, I just wanna focus on studying, and getting the best score in my university course this year.

I can't let anything or anyone distract me.

Especially a guy.

A U T H O R S  N O T E

Was that a little bit of foreshadowing? Do you think she's gonna meet a guy that'll ruin her or help her? Or maybe she'll be single forever. Who knows.

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