Chapter 6 - Time Difference

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They sat next to each other inside the waiting room of the police station, the blue plastic chairs offering little comfort in their time of need.

Naomi was leaning forwards; her elbows resting on her knees and her head in her hands. She had taken her hair out of her famous ponytail, so her dark hair had fallen effortlessly around her shoulders and framed her small makeup-less face. She looked tired, and the bags under her eyes were not a stranger to anyone that had experienced a wine-induced hangover.

"I can't believe you thought they were strippers," Allegra said quietly as she observed her sister, unable to understand why she was so calm.

"Hey, it's an easy mistake to make," Naomi replied. She leant back, joining her sister so that their shoulders were touching, and their backs were flat against the cold, white walls of the station.

"Is it? Is it really?" Allegra asked with the raise of an eyebrow.

"Have you seen 'White Chicks'?"

"Yes. We watched it together. What's that got to do with anything?"

A tall woman with golden blonde hair pinned back into a low bun stepped out of the door next to Naomi, a thick file in her hand. She had a lot of makeup on; a little too much perhaps for what Allegra had assumed police were faced with on a day to day basis.

"Miss Mullins, please," she called, glancing down at the file before her eyes laid upon the two sisters.

"Which one?" Allegra asked.

"Obviously me," Naomi winked and began to stand up slowly.

"Which one of you placed the call?" the woman asked, holding her hand up to Naomi.

"I did," Allegra replied.

"We'd like to speak to you then," the officer clarified.

"Ok," Allegra swallowed with a nod. "Can I just make a quick phone call?"

"I'm afraid not. It could interfere with the pending investigation."

"Please. I just need to inform my partner –"

"He's in America, isn't he?"

Allegra scoffed, shocked at what the police officer had just said. She clearly knew exactly who Allegra was, and was not ashamed to belittle her whilst getting paid for it.

"I'm sorry?" she asked dumbfoundedly.

"He'll be asleep," the officer finished. "This way please," and with that, she turned on her heel and walked back through the door she had emerged from, holding it open for Allegra to follow her in.

"Miss Naomi Mullins, please," Allegra turned as she stood and saw a male officer standing behind her in front of the door to another interview room. He had a kind face; much kinder than the woman's who wanted to interview Allegra.

Naomi groaned, what sounded briefly like disappointment to Allie when she looked at him.

"Keep sipping water," Allegra whispered before she kissed her sister on the head, walked past her, and followed the rude blonde officer into the interview room labelled 'number 14'.


Officer Blume was her name, printed clearly in gold metal lettering on the badge that she had fastened at a slight angle to her jacket. Allegra watched her as she moved around the room, gathering various pieces of equipment that would aid her in her search for Jack; a notebook, a pen, and what looked like a lift of questions.

She sat herself down with a sigh on the other side of the cold metal table in the center of the small room. It was more like a box. Its walls and floor were similar shades of grey, and a single light dangled down from the ceiling, uncovered by a lampshade and leaving the white bulb to be exposed, making the room feel even colder from its ominous light.

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