Chapter 9 - Roles Reversed

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She tried to swallow but felt sick.

She tried to talk but could barely breathe.

She tried to run but her body was frozen to the spot.

"Wayne..." she said breathlessly. She pressed herself against the counter as hard as she could, wishing it would open up and transport her to somewhere else with Naomi or Tom. Somewhere safe. But the counter wasn't going to do that, and she was alone, and she was definitely not safe.

"I read about that whole... Fiasco in the newspaper when I was in America last year," he smiled, his hand motioning in the direction of the front door where Taylor had warned her minutes ago. He was walking around the counter in the centre of the kitchen, getting closer and closer to Allegra with each step. "Bit of a mess wasn't it?" he was laughing. "Are you two friends now, then?" he looked at her, his brown eyes heavy, making her feel like gravity was pulling her to the ground.

"Wayne," Allegra began, making her voice as loud and as strong as she could, hoping that Taylor was still outside and would hear her. As he moved closer to her, she tried to move further away, keeping the distance between them as best as she could. "Where is Jack?"

"Ah, my girl has got him."

"Right..." Allegra nodded. That hadn't helped her in any way. "And where are they?"

He laughed again, amused at her attempt to diffuse the situation. Unfortunately for her, it wasn't going to work. Not this time.

"They're safe, don't worry," he smiled.

"How did you get my address, Wayne?"

Wayne stopped walking and leant against the counter where Allegra had been standing when he had entered her home uninvited. He clicked his tongue, keeping the smile on his face the whole time.

"Did you know that you're Jack's second emergency contact?" he asked her, running a hand through his dark blond hair. "Nice that..." he nodded. "Not me. You." He walked closer to her. She had nowhere else to go. He had her pinned into the corner of the room. "Your address was in his school book," he told her, deciding to stop playing with her and answer her question. "Along with your number," he added.

"That was you calling me?"

"What? I didn't call you," he scoffed as if he was offended by the question. "I thought I'd just stop by. Nice of you to put the kettle on, by the way," his head motioned backwards where the kettle was behind him. "I take my tea with milk and two sugars."

They stood there, staring at each other. She wasn't sure if he would go for her if she moved so she stayed as still as she could, her hand moving as slow as humanly possible towards the mobile phone in her back pocket.

In one swift movement he threw himself over her, one arm either side of her body, pinning her against the wall and trapping her arms behind her. She struggled beneath him as he pushed more pressure onto her with his muscular frame.

"Bit of brotherly advice," he growled into her ear, "I wouldn't do that, if I were you."

"You're not my brother, Wayne," she challenged with a strained voice through gritted teeth.

He laughed again, releasing some of the pressure but not enough for her to move her arms.

"I'm near enough your brother. Naomi and I never married, but..." he paused and sighed peacefully for effect, "I've known you for a good while, haven't I?"

He kept her there for a moment, enjoying the control he had, before reaching behind her and grabbing her phone from her pocket. He tucked it into the pocket of his jeans and strolled to one of the red leather stools that was tucked under the breakfast bar, leaning on the back of it as if he were at his own home.

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