Chapter 10 - Friends

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The young black-haired policeman closed his notepad and smiled at Allegra, who was sat next to Taylor on the leather sofa in the lounge. He rested his palm on his knee, sticking his elbow out to indicate that they were finished.

"Thank you for answering our questions, Miss Mullins. We'll be in touch," he stood up, brushing his hands down his shirt and nodded at the two ladies.

Suddenly, another young policeman ran into the room. Once he came to a stop beside the first officer, he had to lean over to catch his breath.

"He got away," he panted.

The first officer looked back at Allegra and Taylor, who had sat up in concern, fear plain on both of their faces. He sighed, put his arm around the new officer, and pulled him closer so that he could speak to him quieter.

"I know this is only your second day, Officer Watts," he began, "but you need to remember not to announce important investigation information in front of victims."

"There is absolutely no way you're leaving her unprotected," Taylor shouted, pointing at the vulnerable woman who was sitting beside her.

"Of course not," the first officer smiled, turning back to them. "Ok, Miss Mullins," he said, squatting down in front of her so that they were eye-level, "what I'll do is I'll arrange for some officers to stay posted around the property 24/7 until we arrest Mr Mussard. Do you know where your sister is? We'll need to do the same for her."

"Damn right you do," Taylor hissed.

"She's at the Haverstock Hotel, but he doesn't know that," Allegra replied quietly, unemotionally, as if she was lost in a trance.

"Ok, that's fine," he nodded, making a plan in his head. "We'll arrange for some officers to keep watch inside the hotel so as not to raise suspicion."

"Ok," Allegra said.

"Thank you," Taylor smiled gently as the two officers left the room.

There were other policemen and policewoman in the hall, kitchen, and in the study room, taking photographs for evidence to add to Wayne Mussard's file and building a new case against him. The front door was open to allow officers to come in and out easily with various equipment, and Allegra hugged herself as the chill blew throughout the house. She looked out of the window at the front of the house and saw that the sun had almost completely risen. She was slightly annoyed that she had been disturbed from her dream, and that a night's sleep had been stolen from her. She liked sleep. And she liked her dreams.

"How are you?" Taylor asked eventually.

"I've been better," Allegra replied honestly.

"I'll make you a cup of tea."


Allegra was sat at the light oak wood table whilst Taylor made cups of tea. Allegra found that she was slightly annoyed that Taylor knew where everything was; from where Tom kept the mugs to which drawer the teaspoons were in, but she knew that this wasn't anything to spite her. She swallowed and took a deep breath, trying to reduce the negative feelings that she was experiencing.

"Here you go," Taylor said as she set a hot mug of tea down in front of Allegra and then pulled out the chair next to her and sat down, wrapping her hands around her own mug of coffee.

Allegra thanked her and mirror what Taylor was doing, interlacing her fingers around the hot mug to encourage warmth as the police worked near the side door.

"Have you spoken to Tom?" Taylor asked suddenly.

Allegra scowled at her, her negative feelings beginning to spike again at the mention of Tom from Taylor's lips.

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