Chapter 19 - The End

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Tom strode towards Chris confidently, his head held high to impose intimidation from the Loki costume he wore.

"Thor!" he announced, grabbing Chris who was wearing his Thor costume and makeup, and pulling him into a hug. "We have to start acting now. Allegra's nephew is here," he whispered into Chris's ear before the hug was broken.

Chris immediately pushed Tom back, a disgusted look on his face. "Loki, get off. What are you doing?"

Jack ran up to the two gentlemen, looking up admiringly at his idol Loki. "Where are your knives?" he asked him, making a gentle frown appear on Tom's face.

"What?" Chris asked, a little concerned.

As Allegra and Naomi approached them, Tom turned to them and smiled to Allegra. "Allie- Anthony and Joe would like to see us," he told her.

"Okay," she nodded, a little unsure as to why.

They stepped into the Russo brothers' office, many books and props scattered on various shelves either side of the room, and Taiki Waititi turned to face them both from one of the tan leather chairs in front of the large desk.

He nodded a greeting to Tom and smiled to Allegra as she sat down beside him, waiting for one of the brothers to begin speaking.

"Hello, Allegra," Anthony said eventually with a smile. "How are you doing?"

"I'm ok, thank you. How are you both?" She felt Tom's hands rest gently on her shoulders, and suddenly felt more relaxed.

"Great, thanks," Joe answered.

"So," Anthony began, leaning forwards slightly, "we're not sure how much Tom has told you about the filming, but we've filmed every scene now other than the ones with Sigyn in."

"Ok..." Allegra said slowly, understanding immediately what the meeting was about and beginning to feel uncomfortable.

"Which brings us to the reason why we invited you here today," Joe said.

Allegra felt Tom's grip on her shoulders tighten ever so slightly, as if he knew that she wanted to run away.

"Guys..." she whispered, shuffling in her seat.

"We would really love for you to play the role of Sigyn," Anthony said quickly.

There was a brief moment of silence before Joe spoke up. "We just wanted to ask you one last time as we have a deadline to work to, and we need to cast the role like... yesterday," he laughed nervously.

"We've had this conversation," she told them awkwardly.

"We know, but..." Anthony nodded, looking down at his hands momentarily before looking back at her. "We really do think you're perfect for it."

For the first time in months, Allegra Mullins found herself speechless. She stared at the two brothers, finding herself unable to look anywhere else. She could feel Taika's eyes on her. Tom's touch had suddenly faded, and she couldn't feel it anymore.

"What do you say?" Tom asked softly from behind her. "Will you be my Sigyn?"

Slowly, carefully, and a little shakily, Allegra and Tom walked out of the Russo brothers' office, the three gentlemen following behind them.

Everyone had been waiting for them outside; Naomi, Chris, Elsa, all of the makeup artists, costume designers, camera crew, the editors, and many more people that Allegra was sure she hadn't met yet.

There was silence.

Allegra felt sick. Had she made the right decision?

Naomi stepped forwards, a frown in her brows but a hopeful smile on her lips. Everyone had known Tom's plan all along. "Well?" Naomi asked her sister.

Allegra was still unable to speak, and she looked from Naomi's face to Chris's, hoping that someone would be able to speak for her.

"Did you accept the role?" Chris asked. When Allegra still didn't respond, he stepped towards her. "Allegra?"

Suddenly, Allegra's expression changed, and she smiled, raising her chin slightly. She scanned the crowd as if they were different, and her smile grew.

"It's Sigyn to you," she said.


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