Chapter 7 - Sisters

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Allegra stood up when she saw Naomi come out of interview room number 15. She was wiping mascara-poisoned tears away from her eyes and sniffing heavily, a sight that Allegra did not see often.

"How did it go?" she asked as she crossed the room to her, wrapping an arm around Naomi's shoulders and pulling her into a hug. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah," her sister replied quietly.

Officer Blume appeared at Allegra's side with her note-filled pad clutched to her chest, protecting its secrets, and took great pleasure in interrupting the two sisters.

"We would advise you not to talk to each other during the impending investigation," she smirked.

"What?" Allegra asked, shock clear to anyone nearby.

"We're sisters," Naomi argued, trying not to cry again. Without Jack, Allegra was literally all she had.

"It could interfere with the evidence you've submitted," Officer Blume said, the grin still plastered on her unkind face.

"So, not only am I not allowed to contact my partner in America, but now I'm also not allowed to speak to my sister," Allegra clarified bitterly. She was unable to keep her voice calm and controlled as her impatience began to spike.

"That's what I just said."

"Where is Saoirse?" Naomi asked, looking around the room as if Saoirse would just appear in front of them with a solution.


"Officer Holloran," Naomi corrected herself, remembering that police tend to refer to each other via their surnames, so the rude blonde lady probably wouldn't have any idea who she was talking about. "Is she working?"

"I don't know who you mean," the blonde bitch said. She must be new.

"She's been moved to a different region," the kind male officer that had looked after Naomi said as he walked past them, sipping water from a white plastic cup.

"What?" Naomi asked, wondering why Saoirse hadn't told her.

"Why?" Allegra added, also shocked.

He stopped and turned to them, flashing perfect white teeth through perfect lips.

"That's not for me to say," he told them politely.

"Why didn't she tell me?" Naomi asked herself quietly, trying not to tear up again. Questions flooded her head and she sat down on the cold blue plastic seat to stop herself from passing out.

"As for you, Audrey," the policeman began, walking slowly to Officer Rude, "you can leave these two alone." He motioned towards Allegra and Naomi with the hand that held the cup; it was such a graceful movement.

"That's Officer Blume to you," bitchface snarled at him, but this just made him smile even more.

"Um, officer..." Naomi ran up to him, her hands shaking from the cold as well as nerves. "Are we... Suspects?"

He looked at her with his sky-blue eyes, observing her mascara-stained face and chapped lips. The colour had drained from her face so much it was as if she had cried it out. He took a deep breath before he responded and kept his gaze on her the whole time.

"Until we have further evidence, everyone is a suspect. Although, I will advise you, Miss Mullins, consuming alcohol whilst a child is in your sole care can lead you into a lot of trouble."

He's not threatening her, he's trying to help her, Allegra thought, hoping to God that her sister would understand this.

"I drank after Wayne took him," Naomi snapped.

"Be that as it may," her smiled calmly, "young Master Mussard was supposed to be in your sole care. What if his father had brought him back?"

He was trying to make her understand; to let her know that he was on her side.

"But he didn't."

"I'm just saying 'if'. If you're planning to drink alcohol, you must always take consideration of any circumstances that could occur. There are some leaflets on alcohol consumption available if you'd like to take some with you," he motioned to a wall full of leaflets with his cup-hand. Another rope thrown into the dark that Naomi failed to catch, and she just scowled at him, anger rushing through her veins.

"We can go?" Allegra interjected, the end of his advice echoing through her head.

"You can go," he confirmed with a kind nod. "We will be in touch though," he assured them.

"Thank you," Naomi spat unconvincingly as he walked away drinking the rest of his water.


"Given the circumstances, he was quite cute," Allegra offered as they exited the station, relieved that they were still able to stay in contact.

"What?" Naomi asked, unsure if she had heard her correctly.

"The policeman."

"Hmm..." Naomi began, "nah."

"What do you mean 'nah'?"

"Not my type."

Naomi began walked quicker, hugging her arms as the cold night embraced them.

"What is your type?" Allegra asked, suddenly unsure if she knew her sister at all. They had grown a lot closer since Allegra had moved to London, and although this made her incredibly happy, it also made her realise that her older sister was quite the stranger to her.

"Why are you suddenly asking me about this, Allegra?" Naomi snapped, her temper short and unstable.

"When's the last time you had a boyfriend, Naomi?"

"Since Wayne? I haven't," Naomi said, walking quicker. Allegra was now struggling to keep up with her.

"Right," she said slowly. "Why not?"

"I don't know, I'm not really interested," her sister shrugged. "I have Jack to look after."

Allegra nodded in acceptance, understanding that now was really not the best time to learn more about her.

"Do you need to stay at mine tonight?" she asked, changing the topic. "Officer bitchface told me we shouldn't go back to yours as it could 'interfere with evidence'."

"We're not meant to be speaking to each other."

Allegra blinked. "Did you not hear what –"

Naomi stopped and turned, causing Allegra to almost crash into her, "I'll see you later."

"Will I see you at mine?"

"I might just stay at the Haverstock Hotel tonight."


"Yeah," Naomi nodded, no emotions on her face. "Sorry Allie, I'm just not really feeling any company tonight. I'll message you."

"Um... Ok," Allegra said slowly, fidgeting on the spot.

"Bye," Naomi hugged her before rushing around the corner and out of view.

"Bye..." Allegra echoed to the dark.

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