Chapter Six

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I turned around and for what seemed like 100th time this week, my jaw dropped and butterflies filled my tummy. Standing on the stage before me was Marshall. A weird deja vu of Friday night swept through me, but this time, I wasn't just standing there, watching him perform, being an invisible. This time he was looking right at me. Our eyes met and a quick, small smile crept on his face, but it left just as soon as it arrived. I tried to smile back but I felt frozen, our gaze held for what really was only about 3 seconds, but seemed like forever. Time slowed down and in those tiny 3 seconds all I could feel were the feelings I once had for Marshall. It's crazy how just one look could really bring back so many memories and feelings. He then looked away and walked across the stage, rapping along to a song which I think was called "'Till I Collapse". 

I snapped back to reality and turned to Beau, looking guilty in his chair. I knew Ashley and Beau both would arrange me and Marshall to meet again, but I didn't think it be this soon. 

"You and Ash really will never give up on this, will you?" I asked, facing Beau. 

"I'm sorry Lo, I swear this is the last time you'll see Marshall. We haven't arranged anything else! But come on Lo, please talk to him! Just at least stay friends with him! You guys have amazing history! Don't let it all go to waste." He pleaded with those puppy dog eyes he always gave out. 

My eyes then darted over to Ashley who I could tell knew exactly what was happening since she avoided making eye contact with me as soon as I looked over but then quickly looked back up with a hopeful/ sneaky smile. 

I gave her an evil glare as in to say "I'll get you for this, bitch." She then smiled in return. 

I looked over to Marshall who stopped rapping half way through his song and began singing 'Soldier' turning it into a medley. 

"Come on, Lo. He's nearly finished his song and I can tell he wants to see you by the way he keeps looking over here every 5 seconds." He joked with a smile. "And I definitely know you want to see him! So go talk to him once he finishes. It's not like you've got anything to lose." He advised.

I took a sip out of my drink. "Fine. I'll talk to him." I said giving up. 

"Yay!" Beau jumped up and down excitedly. "And you know, if he happens to have any cute gay friends...I'm always single." He winked. 

I laughed slightly. "You'll be first to know."

"Yay! I mean it's only fair. Ashley can't get all the guys. I do have needs!" He protested just as Marshall finished his performance and was saying his goodbye.

Beau noticed my slight nerves. "Go on girl. You got nothing to be nervous about! Plus you look absolutely gorge! He'd have to be blind not to love you straight away." Assured Beau, lightening up the mood. 

I gave him a soft smile. "Thanks Beau, you're the best." I said turning around to the stage trying to find Marshall, but he was nowhere to be seen. 

"Do you see him?" I asked Beau, scanning the room. 

"No. Where did he go?" Wondered Beau looking around confused. 

I sat down on the seat and sighed. "I guess he went home." 

Beau then took a sit beside me. "Aww, hun. Don't give up so easily. He probably just needed a potty break or something. Or he could be getting himself ready to see you. He's probably just as nervous as you are." He said, trying to make me feel better. 

"Let's hope so." I said laying my head on Beau's shoulder. 

I then heard someone clear their throat behind me. 

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