★Omake 02★ The Angel of My Life

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Todoroki's Household...

Dabi's / Touya's POV

I was hanging out with my beloved siblings, Fuyumi, Natsuo and Shouto in our home, chatting and teasing with each other. With Shouto who was on school break for one month, the house became merrier. Dad wasn't home for the entire day even though he had day off actually. No one knew where we went off to.

Well, maybe he is hanging out with that chicken man.

"Hm... Dad's late..." Fuyumi spoke up in worry. Natsuo rolled his eyes, ignoring my little sister's statement. "So what if he is late? He might be busy with his "heroes work", right?" He said in a bit cynical tone.

I knew how you feel, buddy.

"Come on, Natsu. Please give Dad a second chance." Fuyumi tried to persuade to Natsuo but well, he was a hard-headed boy with cold heart toward that old man. "Sis, you shouldn't force people to forgive others." Shouto exclaimed in calmness.

"Aw, Shouto. You too? But Dad has changed. Touya-nii..." Fuyumi turned to look at me, her eyes were asking for my help. I sighed long and patted both my little brothers' hair like a caring big brother I was. "Don't worry, Fuyumi. They both will forgive Dad but not right now. They still need time to do it. I understand their feelings so it's normal if they have hard time to give him a second chance." I assured my little sister. Both of my little brothers smiled victoriously at her. Fuyumi pouted at their reaction.

Soft chuckles left my lips as I stared at my siblings with love. How I missed this beautiful moment that we used to have during our childhood and now we could do it again.

As we all were chatting, the sliding door of this Japanese-style house opened, causing us to fall off the conversation and stayed quiet. Everyone looked at each other in confusion. "It could be Dad." Fuyumi saod happily.

Fuyumi stood up from the red cushion she was sitting on just now, leaving the three of us here. All of sudden, we heard her screaming so LOUD that the glass on the table cracked a bit. "M-MOM?!" When we heard she said that, I immediately got up and rushed to the entrance. To my surprise, Dad was standing there with a snow white-haired woman. And that woman was no other than Mom!

"M-Mom? How did you...?!" I gasped in shock. My two younger brothers finally arrived at the scene and their reaction were no different than mine.

"I'm home, children." Mom said as she displayed a warm smile on her pretty face. Dad stepped back from her to give her room to enter. "O-Oh my, it can't be...!" Fuyumi smiled widely while gasping in excitement. "You're... Staying with us now...?" I continued, my aquamarine pupils locked on my father. He looked down in silent, fiddling his fingers. "Dad..." I muttered, not knowing how to express my feelings. I was happy and grateful that he finally made up with Mom.

My other male siblings froze there while Fuyumi started crying in happiness. She suddenly ran toward Dad and hugged him tightly, startling him who was deep in thoughts. "T-Thanks, Dad..." She expressed her gratitude. Dad looked a bit hesitated to hug her back but still did it. "He really has changed, children." Mom assured us.

Dang, is this really Dad? He freed Mom from hospital and now he is even hugging Fuyumi back.

"Only this... Isn't enough to atone for my past sins..." Dad muttered in regret. Mom looked at him with a sad smile, approaching Dad. She patted his broad back in the softest way. "Then... Can you stay here with us for tonight?" Mom demanded, excitement was clearly written on her face. Dad gasped slightly in shock.


"Yeah, please Dad. We should have a  welcomeback party for Mom! So you have to stay here and don't go anywhere!" Fuyumi insisted, hooking her arm with Dad's muscular one. She pushed Dad forward forcefully, shoving us away to give them some space to walk. Mom followed them from behind while both females laughed casually.

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