★Omake 03★ My Beloved Greenette

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Todoroki's Household,

Dabi's / Touya's POV

We all enjoyed our meal once again but this time was much merrier with Izuku joining us. She was smiling happily while digging in her meal. I felt so blessed right now. "So, Izuku dear. Why did you come here actually? You still haven't told us your reason yet." Mom asked my girlfriend as she wiped off her mouth with a flower handkerchief. Izuku looked a bit nervous when Mom stared at her.

"My mom and dad wanted to spend some time alone together so I told them I wanted to sleep at my friend's house..." Izuku swallowed her saliva in fear all of sudden. "W-Well, I didn't tell them this is my boyfriend's house... Because I was afraid Dad will come yelling at Touya..." She chuckled nervously.

Crap... Here it is... The father's issue...

"Ah... I see. So your father is the protective type, right?" Fuyumi asked her in cheeky tone while giving me a mischievous smile. "Um... Yeah, I think..." Izuku answered unsure, placing her slender finger on her luscious lips.

I want that lips on mine...
Dang, after we ran away from League of Villains amd returned to our own family, it had been very difficult for us to meet...

After everyone finished their meals, we all got ready to return to our own rooms. "Midoriya, where are you going to sleep? We've a guest room for you if you want to use." Shouto stated showing his friendly smile. "No, Izuku-chan is going to sleep with me! We can have girls' talk tonight, right, Izuku-chan?" Fuyumi turned to look at her im excitement.

Heck no! It had been awhile since we last sleep together...

"O-Okay, I wi--"

Before Izuku finished her sentence, I scooped her light body in my strong arms and ran away from them as fast as I could. "Wa-- TOUYA-NII! GIVE IZUKU-CHAN BACK!" My little sister yelled angrily at me but being the stubborn person I was, I only proceeded to sprint toward my room with a victorious smirk plastered on my patched feature.



Third Person's POV

"Hey, we've to save Izuku-chan! What if Touya-nii does something unspeakable to her?" Fuyumi expressed her worry to her other family members. "Well, Midoriya is really difficult to be touched so she will be fine... I think..." Shouto stated calmly while recalling the days she shared with Izuku before. Izuku wasn't like other girl who willingly wanted to be touched by her boyfriend.

Shouto still remembered that one day when his hands touched Midoriya's hips made the greenette jumped in surprise and she quickly distanced herself from him with her face flushed red. And after that, they didn't talk for a few days because she was scared of the possiblity being touched like thay by Shouto again.

'There is no way she'll let Touya-nii touches her that easily.' Shouto thought to himself.


Only silence filled the atmosphere. No one dared to think of what would happen to the couple, heck, even Enji. He just remained silwnt gripping onto Rei's wrist gently and pulled her from them to go to their bedroom. "D-Dad? You too?!" Fuyuni gasped in shock at her father's action.

"What? Isn't it normal for us to sleep together?" Enji exclaimed, stopping his pace to turn to look at his one and only daughter. "Oh, come on, Fuyumi. I'll be fine." Rei assured her daughter. She then asked Enji to lead them to their shared bedroom with a happy smile curved on her beautiful feature.

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