Chapter 6

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After procrastinating for two days, rather than going after Nick Sanchez like I said I would, I decided that it was finally time for me to get my butt in gear. It's not like I had been just sitting around and doing nothing; I had been doing research on the computer. Addresses and phone numbers had to be pulled. Additional information on Nick had to be dug up. It was still work and it was progress, but more progress was required.

I dumped the contents of the dufflebag of things Shepherd had purchased for me the other day out onto my floor. I sat down and started going through it, deciding what I should bring with me for my recon mission.

Binoculars seemed like a good idea. My pepper spray and stun gun would be useful if he tried something funny which wouldn't be a surprise, but I didn't really plan to run into him. Shepherd had told me that I should always have my cuffs, Swiss army knife, and a notebook on me, so I would need those. A pen would also be needed. I doubted I would need a flashlight. I wasn't planning on staying out that late.

I packed my things into my backpack, along with a bottle of water and a can of Coke. Once my things were packed and ready, I had to get myself ready because I was not looking presentable at the moment. I put my contacts in first. Then I tackled my hair. I French-braided it because it wouldn't interfere with my motorcycle helmet and it wouldn't look too god awful when I took my helmet off. For clothes, I pulled on a pair of dark wash jeans and my Carolina Panthers jersey, number 1 Cam Newton. I was going for the comfortable friendly North Carolinian. After pulling on my sneakers, I headed out.

My first stop was Nick's mother's house. His mother was the one that had paid for his bail premium. I was hoping that she would feel scorned enough by him skipping that she would give me some information on his whereabouts. His mother no longer lived across from my parents. Apparently she had moved after Mr. Sanchez had passed away from cancer some time after I had gone off to college, but she still lived in the Grove so she wasn't far. I rode over and parked my bike at the curb.

Butterflies fluttered in my stomach as I walked up the sidewalk to the front door. Mrs. Sanchez had loved me when I was a kid, even though both of her sons would constantly pick on me, and Mr. Sanchez had always been kind of mean. Still, I had not seen Mrs. Sanchez in years.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. It didn't take long for the door to swing open. Mrs. Sanchez smiled at me.

"AJ! It's been a while since I've seen you last."

"Hi, Mrs. Sanchez. How are you?"

"I'm good, dear. How have you been?"

"I'm actually here looking for Nick." Her smile faltered. "He skipped his court date. I was hoping to find him so that we could get that rescheduled."

"That boy," she tsked. "Always getting into trouble."

"Do you have any idea where I could find him?" I asked.

"Your best bet it probably his apartment. Sorry I couldn't be of more help."

"Here's my card. I'd appreciate if you called me if you think of something else," I said as I handed her a business card.

"Of course, dear. Have a good day, now."

"You too!"

As I walked back to my bike, I pulled out my notebook and crossed Mrs. Sanchez off of my list of people that I wanted to talk to today. The next person on the list was Cody, Nick's older brother.

Cody and Nick had been close when we were younger. I wasn't sure if they still were, but it was worth a shot.

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