Chapter 5 -- The GRAND UNION BALL! Prt 2!

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Gene POV

It took me 3 hours to get ready! Can you believe that 3 f***ing hours!!! The whole 3 hours started by Rosie and Ads barging into my room and shoving me in the shower saying to hurry up so that they could do my hair and make-up. So with that the 3 hours of torture began!!! Sorry, I meant 3 hours of a womanly ritual!!!

Anyway I took the shortest shower of my life, 10 minutes, after I had finished I dressed into one of my purple silk robes. Only to be shoved into my chair in front of my dressing mirror so that the girls could do my hair and make-up. We had decided ages ago to have my hair straightened and pulled over my left shoulder, then to have a few strands of my hair to be curled. With my make-up Rosie decided that I should a light shade of purple eye-shadow to bring out my deep purple eyes, with a thick line of eye-liner to define my eyes even more. And of course what girl would go to a BALL/PARTY without fake eyelashes. I had to admit it Rosie did a great job with my make-up, even though I disagreed with the whole dark red lipstick idea, but I looked f***ing HOTT!  Ads did a great job with my hair as well, with my make-up and hair I looked Fate damned SEXY! And when I had my dress on you wouldn’t believe the things that came out of Rosie and Ads mouth!!!

 “Damn girl, if I didn’t have a Mate out there and I wasn’t straight, I don’t think even I could keep my hands off ya!” Rosie exclaimed whilst admiring her handy work. Me and Ads just burst out laughing at what she said.

“Even though our friend here is completely mad, I agree with her! You are one fine piece of SEXY Vampire Babe!” Ads also commented, eyeing me up and down.

“I know and thanks you two, I wouldn’t look half this good without your help” I said to them whilst giving them hugs, before they said goodbye so that they could get ready. After they left my Mom and Dad came in.

“Oh my Fate! You look fantastic darling, I don’t think Prince Lykaios will be able to keep his hands off you!” my MOM said, I just stared at her with my mouth hitting the floor.

“MOM!!!” I was f***ing mortified!!!

“Now Ode, if he knows what’s best from him, he’ll know to do that in private! Away from the fathers eyes. But you do look lovely Gene. And here I got you something…” my Dad exclaimed lovingly as he handed me a small box, “it was my mother’s she wore this at every BALL and PARTY that she went to.” I took the box and opened it.

Inside was a black and purple diamond bracelet, he took it from my hands and clasped it onto my wrist. I hugged him and thanked him for it. Before my Mom said the words that I had been dreading all day…

“Okay Hun, it’s time to meet your Companion and the rest of the Royal parties!” she gave me a hug before they lead the way to the GRAND HALL. We had to wait a while for King Alexander and Queen Emilie to enter, from the other side of the HALL. Then after about 2 more minutes it was Prince Lykaios turn to enter the HALL.

All I heard was, “Ladies and Gentlemen, Vampires and Werewolves. May I introduce to you Prince Lykaios BlueMoon of the Kingdom of the Blue Moon Werewolves and the Companion for the CHILD of the GREAT PROPHECY!” said the clerk just before the applauding and cheering started.

After the cheering and applauding finished another clerk cleared his voice and joyfully exclaimed, “Ladies and Gentlemen! Vampires and Werewolves! May I introduce to you King Derek and Queen Odette RedMoon of the Kingdom of the Red Moon Vampires!” They walked in, I didn’t see them walk in because (being the CHILD and all) I had to make my entrance down some stairs after standing on a balcony! So that everyone could get a good look at the CHILD of the GREAT PROPHEY!

Okay now I am definitely scared sh****ss, it is now my turn to make my grand entrance!

Lykaios POV

When the Twins came back to my room, I already had showered, put my pants and shirt and tie on. I was just in the process of attaching some shirt cufflinks when the Twins (or shall I say Twits) decided that I stank and sprayed me in my CK1 cologne!

“What the f**k do you think you’re doing?!?” I shouted at them, after they stopped spraying of course, I like the smell but not the taste of CK1!

“We’re just trying to help Luk, no offence but you smell like a wet dog…” Marius said trying to justify himself when his brother interrupted…

"...Yeah man, have you never heard of a towel? You’re meant to use them to dry yourself after going swimming or having a shower or a bath!” As Darius said this I found myself saying…

“You know I am actually glad there are going to be a lot of girls tonight, maybe they can put up with you and your brothers annoyingness!!!” I exclaimed at Marius, and instead of them looking hurt, they started laughing in my face!

“Is it me brother or do you think our Luk over here is a bit nervous about tonight?” Darius asked his brother, who replied…

“You know brother I think you must be right! I think Luk is nervous about tonight!” Now I don’t usually getting so f***ing pissed off that I hurt people, but I think I can make an exception to these 2 Twits in front of me… Don’t you think???

Just as I was about to punch both of them for calling my nervous, my parents walked in my room. My father said, “Darius, Marius get down to the GRAND HALL, we will be there shortly.” The boys bowed then promptly left. My mother came over to me and straightened my tie before saying,

"Oh my Lex, look at how much our little boy has grown up! I can’t believe that tonight he will meet the women he is to spend the rest of his life with. It seems only yesterday he was running around getting all of the furniture covered in mud and dirt!” she hugged me so tight that my Dad had to pry her off me before I choked to death.

“I know and speaking of. It’s time son, are you ready?” he asked clapping me on the shoulder. I nodded then grabbed my jacket and her birthday present before leaving my room.

We were waiting outside 2 big oak doors that lead into the HALL, before the clerk said, “Ladies and Gentlemen! Vampires and Werewolves! May I introduce to you King Alexander and Queen Emilie BlueMoon of the Kingdom of the Blue Moon Werewolves!” My parents walked straight through the now open doors to be engulfed in applauding from both races.

2 minutes later, when the cheering had died down the clerk said, “Ladies and Gentlemen! Vampires and Werewolves! May I introduce to you Prince Lykaios BlueMoon of the Kingdom of the Blue Moon Werewolves! And Companion for the Child of the GREAT PROPHECY!!!” And with that I walked into loads more cheering and applauding then what my parents had got!

After all my cheering had died down another clerk cleared his voice and joyfully exclaimed, “Ladies and Gentlemen! Vampires and Werewolves! May I introduce to you King Derek and Queen Odette RedMoon of the Kingdom of the Red Moon Vampires!” They walked in. Okay, now I am getting way more nervous because I knew that after the cheering died down it was time for Princess Genevieve’s entrance!

Like I said after the cheering died down the same clerk cleared his voice then with complete seriousness he declared, “Ladies and Gentlemen! Vampires and Werewolves! May I introduce to you Princess Genevieve RedMoon of the Kingdom of the Red Moon Vampires! The birthday girl!”  Everyone let out a slight laugh at what he said, “And the Child of the GREAT PROPHECY!” The whole HALL went dead silent as the doors of the balcony opened.

Walking through the doors came the most beautiful looking girl had ever seen! I think my heart must have missed a beat with how gorgeous she looked! As she walked down the stairs everyone started making a gap for her through the crowd that lead straight to her parents. Who are standing next to my parents, who are standing next to ME!

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