You're a Genius, Brit

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It was all over: choreographing a number with Mike, feeling that rush she'd get from performing, doing one of the only things that made her entire body wake up and slow down her thoughts. Out of the all the things she'd miss, the most important thing, well person, was her feisty, ex girlfriend. Even though they weren't together anymore and Santana had already left for New York months ago, it felt like she was losing her all over again. This time, Brittany would feel what it meant to leave everything behind; to lose the only person who truly knew her. Sam was a good bandaid to heal her huge Santana-loving heart but he wasn't the person that she was thinking about when she thought about leaving McKinley. Sam wasn't the person who brought Brittany down from her drastic actions and impulsivity that week; in fact, he knew he wasn't which is why he called Santana. Sam wasn't the person that consumed Brittany's heart.

Brittany sat on the stage looking out into the empty chairs and sighed. No more high school, not even a graduation; just an abrupt start to a new life. Tears slowly filled her eyes again but she choked them back. She was just so tired of crying. Why couldn't she be genuinely happy? Why was all of my happiness momentary? She thought. She'd think she was happy then she'd remember that her and Santana weren't together or all the emotions from the day they broke up would flood her  hippocampus. At this moment, she needed and craved Santana. She wanted to feel her in her pale arms and smell the cinnamon scent the Latina girl radiated. She wanted to be in her bed, cuddling the girl. She missed cuddling with Santana; even though she was the more dominant girl, she would let Santana be the big spoon sometimes just to see that smile on her face. Brittany wanted all of that and she needed it right now.

Her thoughts were quickly cut off when she heard clicking on the ground. The clicking sound became louder and the blonde could already tell who it was. As the smell changed in the room, Brittany's body was immediately drawn to stand up. Santana extended her arm out to the other woman and she reached for her. It felt good holding her hand and being held in her arms at the same time. Not much ever hurt Brittany but when something did, Santana stopped the entire world to make sure she had a smile on her face again. The two women walked out of the auditorium, still holding each other. Brittany's eyes were still a little teary but she knew she'd smile again. She knew this because she had Santana by her side and with Santana, nothing was impossible. As they exited the auditorium, Brittany stopped in her tracks which caused Santana to stop as well. Brittany leaned against the wall and the brunette stood in front of her with a reassuring smile on her face.

"I love you." Brittany whispered.

Santana stepped closer to her. "And I love you. I wouldn't keep coming back if I didn't. You know how me and Lima have a very complicated relationship." she chuckled to herself.

Brittany smiled. She finally smiled and she felt as if all her tears were being washed away and happiness was coming to save the day.

"Yea, just like your relationship with Lord Tubbs." The blonde laughed.

"Exactly like that." The brunette responded. She also laughed a bit.

Santana stared into the blonde's blue eyes and she felt like she was falling in love all over again. It had felt like that time Artie had called her lover stupid and Santana had to mend her heart. It had felt like all the times Brittany would cry to Santana about someone being mean to her and she'd use fiery words to destroy them. It felt like freshman year; the beginning of their love story.

"Britt, you're going to college, okay and you know why? Because like I've been saying since the day I met you, you're the smartest person I know. You're going to do great things and no matter what, I will always be here. You say the words and you know I'll come running." Santana grabbed the girl's hand and left a small peck on it.

"You promise, Tana? I'm scared." Brittany kind of pouted.

Santana smiled. "Promise. Those MIT nerds have nothing on you. You're a kick ass dancer, popular, the hottest woman I've ever laid my eyes on, and you're smart as hell! Now tell me what's better than that?"

"My time machine.." Brittany and Santana both laughed at the girl's witty humor. "But I get what you mean...I wish you could come with me but you have your own life."

"Trust me, Brit. You don't need me. But I will say, when the time is right-"

Brittany stepped closer to the other woman. With that step, they could hear each other's heart beat. Brittany could feel Santana's pulse and their lips carefully grazed each other. Santana's breathing hitched but Brittany was calm. She knew exactly what she was doing and what she wanted. She knew she was making Santana's ability to stand alot harder so she held her by her lower back. Brittany then whispered in the brunette's ear,

"When the time is right, I'm going to get you back. And that's a promise Santana Diabla Lopez."

Brittany wanted to push Santana against the wall and kiss her with every ounce of passion, lust, and love in her body but she had to restrain herself. She had to breathe and remember that it wasn't their time but when their time would come, it would be the beginning of the end of their epic love story. There would be no more dating other people or being single. Brittany knew that one day Santana would be her wife. She knew they'd find a home somewhere in New York and they would raise three kids. She knew that they'd age like fine wine. And just like that wine, their sex would be the exact same. With each year that past, their passion and sensuality would only intensify. She reveled in the thought of their future together and the only way it could happen is if she let her go for right now. Brittany released her hand from around Santana's back and stared at her for one last second. Santana thought she'd get a kiss from Brittany tonight but she even knew that they just couldn't. So both girls sighed simultaneously. Then they laughed because no matter what they were always in sync. Brittany did the only thing she knew wouldn't cause the two to have hot, lesbian sex in their old high school; she gently pecked Santana's cheek.

"I'll see you later, Lopez." Brittany winked at her ex and walked away. She was so hopeful for the future but for now she was going to go to MIT and show the world how much of a genius she was.

"Back at you, Pierce."

With those last words, Santana couldn't help but blush. How did she get so lucky to have someone like Brittany S. Pierce in her life? The girl stood in the doorway and watched Brittany walk down the hall and out the building. It warmed her heart to see the girl all mature and grown, making a real life decision. Santana knew this wasn't the end and that one day Brittany would be in her life fully again. Santana had alot to go back home to, though. Although the blonde was still the most important person in her life, she had to get real. She had to stop herself from falling in love again which was an epic fail. It felt like sophomore year all over again; she had to hide her feelings for her one true love so that they could both move on with their lives. Santana let a tear wasn't the end but boy was she ready to get to the good part.

One day, day.

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