With Time

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One whole month had passed since the cast had come back from the Mexico trip. A lot happened in that month actually. For one, Heather kept her promise to Naya. They stayed connected to each other in someway; whether it was texting or meeting up for lunch. There were awkward moments because like any two people who were madly in love with each other, those past feelings would resurface.

One night Heather had invited Naya over for dinner. They tried to keep their hang outs in more of a public view but they felt prepared for a private setting this time. One conversation led to another which brought them to the topic of their first time. Awkwardly enough, with tension oozing from both women, Taylor came home. Heather knew that after that day, she needed to spend less intimate time with the brunette. Naya understood and she honestly didn't take it as hard as she thought she would because she had a small date coming with Sean soon. She had something to distract her and that's exactly what she needed.

On this particular day, it was going to be quite the event for the pair; they had a very intense and intimate scene to shoot. A few weeks ago when they read the script together as a cast, Heather didn't have trouble reading the lines. She definitely felt them and all the passion that was wrapped up in that scene. For weeks she was anticipating shooting the scene; she felt ready but she knew delivering the lines would be much harder.

For Naya, she thought the scene was absolutely beautiful and somewhat poetic. A part of her did feel like it hit very close to home, though. They had just broken up and were in a good place and now their characters, who were very much in love still, had to have a very dramatic break up as well. It was going to be a difficult day..

Heather stood outside the choir room, all dressed up in her cheerios costume. She breathed. You got this, Heather..It's just acting. She hadn't been in the room yet because they were going to shoot her walking in first. The dancer felt somewhat calm for the moment but she also felt as if her nerves would get the best of her. She recited her lines in her head and could slowly hear Naya's lines; the power they held, it took her breath away. She closed her eyes and then opened them. Everything would be okay and she wasn't going to let this get the best of her.

Heather sat in the choir room and looked out to the director and saw all the cameras around. A few of her cast mates were also in close proximity but weren't paying attention to the scene. She felt weird that everyone was watching but she had to remember that this was just like every other scene. She always had millions of people watching her before so she shouldn't treat this any different.

Naya had been sitting in the choir room with her script in one hand and a water bottle in the other. She kept reading the lines, almost like she was hoping that they would change for some reason. The brunette had realized that as the time got closer to film the scene, it would be harder to deliver those lines. She knew that the best way to handle the scene was to just let her emotions take her. She eased her thoughts by saying that she should be more emotional because that's what their characters would do. In reality, she needed some form of cognitive dissonance to make up for the fact that this wasn't really about Santana and Brittany; it was about her and Heather.

"Alright quiet on set. Naya, Heather...places, please." They heard the director, Alfonso, scream the words out to the set and in the matter of nanoseconds a wave of silence fell over the studio. One of the assistance on the set took Naya's script and water bottle from her; she breathed and relaxed her shoulders. You're a big girl Naya, you got this. She believed those words she said or at least she tried to.

The fake school bell rang and Heather knew that was her moment to open the door and walk in. For the scene, she wasn't supposed to know that they were going to break up but she was supposed to know that something wasn't right. She walked in, almost regretting that action, hoping to avoid the inevitable. Her eyes, big as they could be, had a small taint of red in them. The directors loved how enthralled Heather threw herself into the scene. But, this wasn't a scene for her; it all felt too real, too damn real...

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