You Are A Dinosaur

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Prom was finally here and the kids of glee club couldn't be more excited. Mr. Shue wanted to make sure everyone got the chance to enjoy their time at prom so each glee kid had a certain time slot they had to perform in. Santana loved all of the songs she had a lead on, especially her duet with Quinn. She already knew that she would be singing both songs to her girlfriend Brittany. This prom was really important to Santana. She hadn't been able to express her love for her girlfriend at last prom because she was still figuring out her sexuality. Now, she's out and proud; literally she would tell any and everyone that she had a girlfriend if she could. 

For Brittany, she had already come to terms that she was indeed bisexual. She also had come to terms with the fact that she was in love with Santana and she was so proud to finally leave the "closeted relationship" stage. She always said that she'd wait for Santana to come out and she did wait for her. Of course there were many obstacles, but they persevered. It was time to show off their love to the world even more. Prom was the event to show off girlfriends, boyfriends, or any significant other. That was the plan for the young couple.

A few weeks before Prom, the two girls decided to go prom dress shopping together which was definitely an adventure. Santana already knew she wanted to wear red again. The color suited her so well and everyone else thought so too. Brittany said that when Santana wore red her lady loins did a little dance. The blonde-hair girl decided to go with a look that was a little less traditional. A white button-up shirt with a long, baby blue tutu. Santana was a little upset that they weren't matching, though. Brittany said that she didn't want to do the tradition of color coordination; she thought that the idea of doing so was a little too heterosexual for her. She wanted to wear a light blue color to represent how she's ice, and because she's a water sign. Santana wearing red would represent fire; she thought that suited their personalities. If it wasn't obvious, Santana thought Brittany was a genius for her idea. The two girl left the mall, hand in hand, with smiles on their faces.

Prom was going well so far. Santana and Brittany had already performed their first songs so they decided to hit the dance floor together. Brittany lead as they did some sort of wacky version of the tango. "We're a shoe-in for prom king and queen, Britt." Brittany smiled hearing the words of her girlfriend. She didn't find winning this race as important as Santana but if Santana wanted something then she would want it as well. "Even if we don't win, we're gonna share lots of sweet lady kisses tonight and quite a lot of scissoring." Santana laughed at Brittany's blunt words. Santana loved how the girl had no sense of filter. They continued to dance for about two more minutes until Figgins came over to the couple.

"Teen Lesbians, don't you two look beautiful." The girls smiled at their principle. The last time Figgins had talked to them, they were fighting for their right to kiss in school. There was no more animosity, especially not tonight. Santana and Brittany could freely be themselves in school. "Thank you, it's exciting to be here out and proud with my boo." The words surprised both Figgins and Santana. The vernacular and cadence of Brittany's voice when she said 'boo' caused Santana to chuckle a little bit; she wondered why the girl said it with so much twang. Either way it was extremely sexy to Santana. "Well I'm glad you guys are enjoying yourself. It's time for you and Ms. Fabray to count the ballot." Santana pouted a bit because she wanted to stay and dance with her girlfriend. She knew she had business to tend to so she kissed Brittany's cheek and started to walk away when she heard her name. Brittany had called her so she turned around.

The blonde had pursed her lips together, signaling a kiss to the Latina. Her face rushed with a rose color and she bit her lip. If Brittany didn't know any better she would have thought Santana's eyes rolled to the back of her head. The blonde laughed at her girlfriend's reaction and watched her walk away with Figgins. "Wow, that's my girlfriend!" She said it a little too loud but most of the kids around her were from glee club. They laughed at how insanely in love the two women were for each other. Mercedes was especially laughing because she never in a million years would have thought Santana would be head-over-heels for anyone. She just kept smiling at how the Latina had finally discovered herself and didn't care who knew.

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